She nodded several times. “You have to go see your daughter. Let me contact Vojalie. See how things are going.”

He realized she was protecting both him and Isobel. His heart grew warm with affection all over again.

As he watched her path with Vojalie, he slid his hand beneath the waterfall of her curly black hair and cupped her neck. He stroked her face.

When she returned to him, her smile was soft on her lips. She caught his hand and pressed it against her cheek. “We’re good. She’s at Stone’s house. Both Rosamunde and Vojalie are taking care of her. They have her in the guest suite. They’ve been healing her and now she’s eating. But they say this would be a good time.

“There’s a warning, too. Rez, she’s very thin. Neither of our fae leaders want you to react if you possibly can. She needs tenderness and love. You’ve already dealt with the monsters who did this. But Isobel will need time. It’s important you understand all these things before I can take you over.”

He didn’t think he could love Holly more than at this moment. He forced himself to calm down. He’d done battle against the evil that had destroyed his family. Now his daughter needed him, but not in a warrior state.

He thought back to all the years he’d had with her when she was an infant and toddler, to the sassy, argumentative schoolkid that had made him laugh so often, and finally to the older sister who had loved her younger brothers more than anything. They’d both lost so much and she’d been traumatized for two years.

Now she was back. “It would be foolish to think she won’t need years of therapy.”

“She will. But her recovery has already begun and she’s in the best possible hands, as you know. Vojalie will do right by her. Davido might even step in if he’s needed. You have nothing to worry about.”

“But you’re worried about me.”

“I am. Mostly, I need you to see this from her perspective. You must set aside your own feelings right now, your rage, even your sorrow. Be there for her and her alone. That will go a long way toward her healing, especially this first encounter. Be what she needs.”

And here was another reason to be grateful for the miracle of a second love. He would never have thought of these things if Holly hadn’t brought them to his attention.

“Tell you what. I want to get cleaned up before we go over.”

At these words, Holly visibly relaxed. “We’ll both do that. I’ll head home to shower this time, but I won’t be gone more than fifteen minutes.”

He kissed her. “Counting on it.”

Chapter Fourteen

Holly stood in the guest room, but remained at a distance as she watched the tender, tearful reunion between daughter and father.

The initial embrace had lasted several minutes. Both had wept, for her suffering and for the loss of Isobel’s mother and brothers.

Holly couldn’t stem her own tears and finally stopped trying. Vojalie brought her some tissues which she used until they were a hardened damp wad in her hand.

Rosamunde had left the room early on, also weeping.

More poignant still were the ghosts who stood close by Rez. Each was smiling. Marion turned to look at Holly and nodded slowly once. Rez’s wife as well.

The latter approached her, a beautiful vampire. She lifted a hand to Holly’s face. There wasn’t a real physical connection, but Holly could feel the spiritual warmth.

A resonant voice moved inside her head. Take care of them both. Rez is a good man and deserves you. I’m more grateful than I can say that you’ve come into his life and into my daughter’s.

Holly wanted to respond, but the spirit faded away then disappeared. Marion stayed a little longer. When she approached Holly, she was smiling. You did good. I’m so proud of you. Thank you for loving and taking care of my son.

Again, Holly wanted to respond, but Marion disappeared as well. Their job was done.

Holly was left with Vojalie standing beside her and Rez sitting on the bed and talking quietly to Isobel. His daughter was even able to sit up. Vojalie had helped her tremendously during the time from Isobel’s rescue until now.

To Vojalie, Holly pathed. You’ll let him know when she needs to rest?

I will. Just a couple minutes more. Don’t worry, Holly. We’ll all take care of her.

Vojalie took hold of Holly’s hand. She’d needed the contact and the reassurance and squeezed in response.

Much later, she stood beside Rez sipping a glass of red wine. Rez had his arm around her waist where it had been since he’d emerged from Isobel’s room. He looked both euphoric and exhausted. He’d come to the end of a two-year difficult, impossible search.