Rez couldn’t have that. He gave a shout and sent a deep wave of battle energy at Cruce. It pushed him to the right of his bed.

Rez then shifted and aimed his battle stream at the nearby windows. He shattered every last one of them. Cool mountain air flowed into the space.

As Cruce rose to his feet, Rez sent another blast in a sweeping motion, down and up. It lifted Cruce into the air then rolled him out the now empty space. Cruce levitated and took off into the night.

Rez followed him like a rocket. From his periphery, he saw the battle below where Cruce’s army was encamped. He heard fighting but had only one object right now.

Cruce flew fast. Rez summoned the blood rose bond and more power flowed. He could even feel Holly stirring now. He could tell she was sitting up. Holly, you okay?

I’m good. Finish the monster.

Her voice in his head along with her awareness of what he was doing, heightened his sense of purpose. Like a rocket boost, he shot forward and caught Cruce around the back of his neck and jerked hard, throwing him into a lateral spin.

The vampire cried out as he lost control in the air. Rez followed him and added a pulse of energy. He hit the left side of Cruce’s body, which increased the spin. As soon as started to regain his balance, Rez hit the other side.

He kept up the pressure as Cruce plummeted toward the earth. Cruce hit a pine tree and kept falling. Rez stayed after him.

Cruce landed on the earth hard. The branches of the tree had torn up his skin and ripped his clothes. He was covered in blood.

He lay on his back breathing in rough pants. Rez levelled both hands at him then realized Cruce been impaled on part of sharp branch. Blood poured out of his right side. His eyes rolled around unable to settle.

Cruce was dying.

He finally focused on Rez. “I almost had her. She would have been a beautiful piece of ass.”

Though Rez knew Cruce taunted him, he de

cided he needed to be done with him. He wanted to get back to Holly.

He aimed a strong pulse straight at Cruce’s head and let loose. The battle stream pierced his skull. Cruce’s body jerked once then fell still.

Rez took off, shooting straight up into the air, flying faster than ever before. He returned to the blown-out window and shot through.

Holly stood where she’d by lying unconscious earlier, near Cruce’s bed. “You’re okay.” Her first words to him, the caring woman that she was.

He smiled and launched at her. He caught her up in his arms and spun her midair about a dozen times. He heard her laugh. When he set her on her feet, she had tears rolling down her cheeks.

He held her tight again. How about you take us somewhere. I have things I want to say to you, but not here.

He barely felt the shift into the continuum, then saw only a slight blur as she moved them to the old oak tree in his back pasture. Here was where their relationship had taken its first step.

As she brought them into the present and the blur disappeared, he thumbed the tears off her cheeks. “We bonded, Holly. You and me. I sure as hell hope you’re okay with that.”

She chuckled, then threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. Her voice was suddenly in his head, But what about you, Rez? I thought you wanted me out of your life for good.

He needed to look at her as he said what he wanted to say. “The moment I realized what was happening, that Cruce intended to force a bond, it was as though my mind righted itself. I finally saw everything clearly, including how much, even in such a short period of time, I’d come to love you and to need you.

“I was kidding myself when I thought it would be a simple thing to part ways.” He smiled. “I was already in deep. I’m here now, though. The bond was and is exactly right for me. I just need to be sure it’s what you want. I mean, it was forged under horrifying circumstances. It’s possible Vojalie could do something. Maybe break it –”

He got no further. She kissed him again and at the same time pathed, You are more than I ever hoped to have. I love you, Rez.

His chest filled with emotion. Love had found them both.

And I love you, Holly. With all my heart, I just never thought this could happen for me again, not in this lifetime.

He held her for a long time. He professed his love more than once. A dozen kisses followed.

He drew back. “I want to take you to bed, but –”