Stone had already contacted his Vampire Guard, and Shifter and Troll Brigades. Each was prepared for battle.

Now that Stone had provided the coordinates, his forces were in the air. The portion of the Troll Brigade that didn’t fly was headed to the Overlook in military grade vehicles.

“The first of my forces will be here in five. They’ll gather out of visual range three miles to the west. Will you be joining the battle?”

Rez shifted to stare at Stone. Of course, he was, but why did Stone ask? “You have some other purpose for your question? Because you already know my answer.”

Stone’s jaw worked. “Where’s Holly? Why isn’t she with you?”

It was the last thing Rez expected Stone to say, but then he’d been in Rez’s boots.

Stone turned to face him and planted a hand on his shoulder. Rez compensated for the in-air jolt and maintained his levitating balance. “This is not the time to be separated from your blood-rose, not at this stage. Even I can feel something isn’t right.”

“Listen to him,” Oregis said, giving Rez another head thump.

Rez was concerned as well. He explained the situation. “I’ve tried pathing with her several times, but she’s not responding. She seemed adamant she had something she needed to do on her own.”

With his gaze fixed in the direction of the Overlook, Stone said, “All I can say is be open and make sure she’s safe.”

“I will.” He meant what he said, yet now he felt uneasy. He recalled what she’d been like before she left, how deeply resolved she was, but to do what?

He tried pathing with her, but again, she’d shut down her communication with him.

The next moment, a male voice pushed into his head. Devyn here. We’ve got your daughter, Isobel. She’s safe. Holly set it up. But now the dark fae has her, the one called Lanarae.

Isobel is with Vojalie right now. She’s being looked after but you’d better go after Holly. Now. Looks like she was the object all along.

I hear you. I’m on it.

If you need me, Rez. Nothing more needed to be said.

Dev, thanks. I’ve got this.

Go get her.

The telepathic conversation ended with the same jolt it had begun. He relayed the details to Stone.

Stone’s jaw worked, but he said nothing. He’d called it and now Holly was trapped.

For a moment, time froze.

The worst had happened just as Stone had predicted.

What hit Rez the hardest was his first thought. I don’t want to lose her.

It was everything. He loved the woman. She’d stumbled into his life as a healer and a blood rose and he’d fallen in love with her in the space of two short nights.

Isobel was safe because Holly had gone to rescue her. She’d saved his daughter. She’d gone the distance and then some.

Now Holly was in danger.

She’d been right about one thing. He couldn’t have handled seeing his daughter in a captive situation. His rage would have eclipsed his rational mind.

He grew very still. In the distance, he heard Oregis say, “He’s doing his vampire statue thing again, isn’t he?”

“Yes,” Stone responded. “Be quiet, gremlin.”

Life was a mystery never to be fully understood. Rez had loved once and lost not just his woman but his sons. He’d vowed never to love again.