Emily was quiet for a moment. “I don’t see them but I can sense them. Rez’s mother and wife?”


Devyn addressed the more critical issue. “Those shackles have a spell on them, don’t they?”

He glanced at Holly who in turn nodded. Devyn then continued, “Emily and I can tackle that part of the process. Ready to go in?” For a warrior of his size and caliber to ask rather than issue an order, indicated he lived with a powerful fae woman.

“Wait just for minute. Something else needs to happen first.”

As if on cue, Lanarae opened the cell door and levitated inside. She was as beautiful as before, but her lips were set in a grim line. “Your friend should be here by now, Isobel. Maybe she needs a little motivation.”

Holly understood. Lanarae knew Holly was coming. Great.

The ghosts huddled in the corner and it seemed to Holly they were praying.

Lanarae approached the thin mattress on the floor and held out her hand. Red Invictus energy pulsed from her fingers and landed on its object.

Isobel’s body arched then lifted three feet into the air. She uttered an anguished cry. “Stop.” The word was little more than a whisper.

“As you wish.” Lanarae ended the battle blast and Isobel’s body landed in a thump on the mattress. She moaned, but didn’t move a muscle. Holly knew she couldn’t.

Lanarae glanced around then left the cell.

Holly had to force herself to count to twenty very slowly. She heard Devyn growling. But she didn’t act until she could hear Lanarae’s footsteps disappear.

Okay, we’re ready. When we go in, use telepathy.

Got it. Devyn’s voice, like Rez’s, was deep and masculine within her mind.

I’ll work on healing her. Emily and Devyn, do what you can to break the power of the shackles. Then we’ll get her home.

She moved the time-path forward to the present and released her frequency. All three of them moved quickly to take care of Isobel.

The thought that she’d be bringing Rez’s daughter home, made Holly tear up once more. She placed her hands above Isobel’s head and ignited her healing frequency. She let the warmth flow and heard Isobel moan in response.

“We’re here,” she whispered. “We’re going to take you home, Isobel.”

She heard Isobel mumble something, but she couldn’t make out the words. One of them might have been ‘trap’, but she wasn’t sure.

She sensed Emily and Devyn ramp up their shared power and it felt like waves of heat pouring off them. She kept speaking softly to Isobel and hoped the efforts to break the spell weren’t hurting her.

A sudden jolt of power and the shackles around her ankles flew apart. Emily and Devyn moved to the shackles on her wrists and began the same process. Instinctively, Holly shielded Isobel’s face. The same series of waves ensued.

Holly could hear movement and shouting outside the cell. “Hurry.”

The powe

r increased and another jolt freed Isobel. Devyn picked her up in his arms just as the cell door banged open. “Get her out of here,” Holly shouted.

Devyn and Emily disappeared.

Holly started to ignite her own time-pathing frequency but it faded away. She couldn’t make it work.

She turned around and Lanarae offered a vicious smile. “You’re not going anywhere, Holly McCrae. My plan worked perfectly and now you’re here. Welcome to hell.”

~ ~ ~

After Rez explained the layout of the camp and the cavern, he remained in the air opposite Cruce’s army.