The question of concern made Holly’s eyes sting once more. She took a deep breath as she chose to stay focused on Isobel. “I’m fine, but later, when the current crisis is resolved, I could use some girlfriend time.”

“You’ve got it. Now, how can I help?”

Holly finely released her stranglehold on her chest and let her arms dangle at her sides. She would need to be relaxed and open for what was about to come. But hearing someone ask how they could help eased her more than anything else could have in this situation.

She explained about the captives and about Rez’s daughter. She mentioned a few of her experiences, but kept her descriptions to a minimum. “My fae instincts tell me I’ll need both you and Devyn to help me rescue Isobel.”

“And Rez?”

“It’s imperative that he not see his daughter in her current state. She’s been starved and tortured.”

“You’re protecting him.”

“Not just that. If he lost it, and I’m sure he would, he’d jeopardize the rescue. I need detached teammates.”

“Devyn’s with me now. We’re ready. Just tell us where you want us to be.”

“Come to my mountain home.”

“On our way.”

The couple arrived a few seconds later. Devyn had his arm around Emily’s waist.

Holly gasped. She hadn’t seen Emily for a few weeks but the woman glowed with happiness and something more. It was her blood rose bond with Devyn. The couple radiated power.

For a split second, a dart of envy pierced Holly’s chest. Emily had what Holly longed for with Rez but was unlikely to have.

Emily was Holly’s height, not quite six-foot, with brown hair and large green eyes. Devyn had Guardsman-length blond hair, warm brown eyes and was built along Rez’s lines.

Emily immediately stepped forward and embraced her. Holly hugged her back, grateful for the sisterly contact.

“Thank you both for coming.” She sketched out the details of what she and Rez had first seen of Lanarae and Cruce’s haunt. “I’m just not sure what we’ll find when I time-path to Isobel’s location. I don’t know where she’ll be or who will be holding her captive. All I know is that I can’t do it alone. My faeness will not rest on that point.”

“We’re here for you,” Devyn said. “I’ve known Isobel for years. Rez is a friend of mine and a good neighbor in Boylbury.”

There it was again, Rez’s fine reputation among those who knew him best.

“You don’t have to do this.” She needed to make the offer. “Because who knows what we’ll find.”

Devyn took hold of her arm and dipped his chin. “Let’s do this thing.”

He reminded her so much of Rez in this moment, her throat tightened. “Good.”

She felt in her faeness the hour had come. “If you’re ready, I’ll take us to Isobel.”

When two heads bobbed, she forced herself to grow very calm. She focused on Isobel, the lovely young woman who’d been through hell for two years at the hands of Lanarae.

She moved all three of them seamlessly into the time-path. She went back a few minutes in time and a split second later, a blurred stone cell came into view. Isobel was on a dirty mattress on the floor. She wore a thin woven shift that couldn’t have offered much protection against the cold.

“This looks like an ancient place of torture, doesn’t it?” Emily held two fingers to her lips. “And she’s so thin. Holly, I can feel she’s near death.”

“Yes, she is.”

Rez’s wife and his mother, together, tended the teenage female vampire. They hovered over Isobel, petting the air above her, offering what reassurance a spirit could give. “Do you see them?”

“What do you mean?” Emily asked. “I only see Isobel.”

“There are two ghosts with her.”