Connor looked down at the man’s leopard pants and the two oversized bulges. How bad would it hurt if he was i

n a witch-trance?

Time to find out.

Using the butt of his gun, he came down on the left testicle.

Big Nuts arched his neck, opened his mouth wide and a high-pitched scream left his voice.

“Tell me now, Gary, or I’ll do the same to the other one.”

“He was a vampire but didn’t give me his name.” Gary’s face had turned bright red from pain. He also had a hard time pushing his words out of his throat. “He gave me cash. A lot of it. Seemed like a small thing to do, sending you out to Amado, then over to Sentinel. I didn’t know he meant to blow the bridge.”

“What did he look like?”

“Couldn’t see his face, only his eyes.” He squeezed each word out. He was having a hard time breathing. “Green, maybe hazel. Not sure. Black hair. Tall. Lean. But he was in shadow, like some kind of spell was on him. That’s all I know.”

“You called him, didn’t you? Before we came in.”

“Yes, he’s on his way. A couple minutes out.”

“Was he paying you more to turn us over?”

Big Nuts nodded. “A lot. The man has money.”

So they were dealing with a vampire of wealth, maybe the vampire who’d shown up at Iris’s just before they left.

“I should kill you for this.”

Big Nuts glanced down at his crotch. “I think you already did.”

Connor was pissed as hell. He brought the butt down on the other ball and watched as Big Nuts folded up then slid off the desk.

He returned to Iris, facing her. “Can you talk while you’re holding this spell?”

She shook her head, her eyes still closed.

“Can I?”

She nodded in quick bobs of her chin.

“Good. I want to wait for our mystery man to arrive. You okay with that?”

She shook her head.

“You’re running out of steam?”

Another nod.

He noticed the white, compressed look to her lips. “Okay. Can you move?”

Once more, her head wagged side-to-side.

“Can I pick you up?”

She dipped her chin.

He slipped behind her and put her in flight position on his boot once more, holding her close. He levitated slowly back into the hall. He could feel her spell still flooding the space around them.