She dropped to her knees beside Devyn, though still within the safety of the time-path. He could hardly hold himself upright and weaved from side to side.

“You need sustenance.” She shoved her wrist beneath his nose.

Devyn was a vampire. He didn’t require a second nudge to take what he needed.

He grabbed her wrist and turned it toward his mouth so the veins faced him. With a jerk of his head, he sunk his fangs. He made a seal around the wounds and began to draw from her vein.

Emily tried to kee

p the healing steady, but Devyn began to moan as he drank. Only it wasn’t in pain. In fact, it sounded sexual.

At the same time, her own body began to hum with desire. When she’d been with Kyle, he’d fed from her. But this felt very different, as though she was sending a light through her blood straight into Devyn’s body. Euphoria sent a shiver down her shoulders, arms and back.

As he drank, she watched the wound on his shoulder begin to close up. She could feel that somehow her blood and her fae healing power had combined to perform a miracle, right there in the time-path.

Though she was behind him and off to his right, he shifted enough to meet her gaze. He still suckled. Where are we? Why is the field blurred?

She realized he would know nothing about time-pathing or the continuum. She told Devyn a few essentials, only what he would need to know. Vojalie had otherwise sworn her to keep her time-pathing work a secret.

She spoke aloud as she shared about her ability to travel to any point in time in the past. She didn’t, however, tell him about having re-visited the kiss in the coffee shop.

“But we’ll need to leave the time-path soon.” She then explained about time-lethargy and how dangerous it could be because it would leave them exposed and vulnerable.

Got it. He released her wrist and swiped the wounds to seal them. He stood up and rubbed where the blade had sliced him open at his shoulder close to his neck. “I don’t feel anything here. How did you heal me so quickly and so completely?”

Rising to stand next to him, she shrugged. “Honestly, Devyn, I haven’t experienced anything like this before. Maybe it’s part of the time-pathing phenomenon, but I swear I don’t know.” In the past, she could heal even a very bad wound in an hour or two, but never a couple of minutes.

He looked around. “I recognize this field. We’re a few hundred yards from the main street, on the west side of the village.”

“That’s right.”

“And everything is blurred, so we’re still in the continuum or the time-path, as you call it.”

“Exactly. But we’ve got to return to the present. I should warn you we’ll both probably experience some dizziness.”

He nodded. “Do it.”

She placed her hand on his shoulder then accessed her time-pathing vibrations once more. With a thought, she took them out, though they stood in exactly the same place.

She explained, “We’re back in the present now, but as I explained no time has elapsed while we were within the continuum.”

He frowned and shook his head. “How is that possible?”

“It just is.”

He lifted his chin, listening. “I don’t hear any sounds of battle from the street. Do you?”

“No. Nothing yet. Again, only seconds have passed in real-time.

He stood very straight and went vampire still. To her mind, he pathed, I can hear the wraith. He’s started shrieking again.

She followed his lead and pathed, I can hear him as well. But there’s something else you should know. The wraith was able to make mist, like a powerful fae. They kept their battle with you hidden from the villagers.

I know. I saw it as well.

She hadn’t been certain Devyn could have seen the mist. She was glad he did.

He left his quiet vampire state and returned to normal. He spoke aloud. “I’ve got to go back. Now. This pair won’t hesitate to kill some of the villagers.”