Apparently, she couldn’t even speak the words. Truth was, he had a hard time saying it as well. “They were lovers.”

She shook her head again, harder this time. “No, that’s not possible. He’s a vampire.”

He totally got where she was coming from. “And she’s a witch.” He met her gaze and a strong current passed between them.

He felt as though a pulse of energy kept hitting his sternum repeatedly. She must have experienced something similar because she drew in a soft stream of air and immediately folded her arms across her chest as though protecting herself.

“Are you trying to enthrall me?”

Her eyes popped wide. “No. God, no. I would never do something like that.”

“But you could.”

“Yes, but I wouldn’t.”

He believed her, which meant he was in serious trouble. He trusted the witch and his instincts told him this bizarre thing between them was mutual.

“You knew I was at your house tonight, didn’t you?”

She huffed a sigh. “I did.”

“Were you always aware? Each time I came to you?” He’d gone past counting the number of times he’d hovered above her garden, making liberal use of his spotting scope.

She nodded slowly, frowning. “Yet, you never approached me or tried to hurt me. The visits seemed harmless enough.” Her eyes glittered.


“What’s going on, Connor? I don’t get any of this, as in why you’ve been spying on me or this strange attraction between us. I mean, did you arrange to have me brought here to Sentinel?”

“I don’t have those kinds of connections or power.”

“Well, why did you start coming to my house in the first place? I don’t get it?”

He turned toward her and took her arm in a firm grip. He felt a flow of energy race up and down his arm, something he couldn’t explain. “Because of this. Do you feel it?”

She nodded. “It’s some kind of visceral reaction. So you’re saying you were at my house because you’re attracted to me, even though I’m a witch.”

“Despite that you’re a witch.”

She stared at him for a long moment. She was so beautiful with her large brown eyes and high cheekbones. For a weird moment, he saw down the years and she was with him, really with him.

Which seemed impossible. He couldn’t be with any woman, not after what he’d done in No Man’s Land.

When he released her, she didn’t move away from him, but kept looking at him.


“I don’t know what this is between us, but it feels very old as though it’s always existed.”

Her words reminded him that she was a witch, one more reason a relationship with her could never work. He shifted his gaze back to Jason.

“Connor.” Her voice was low, compassionate.

“Forget it. I shouldn’t have pushed things.” He gestured to the bodies. “What we need to figure out is how you and I are connected to this murder.”

“I think you’re right.”

Connor thought about Jason. He’d known him for at least fifteen years. He then considered Tammy for a moment and the similarity to Connor’s killing of the pregnant woman.