She leaned into him. “Like you, Dev. And don’t try to argue with me. I’m sure Kyle let you know what he thought as well.”

His throat ached suddenly as he thought about his brother. A whole host of memories flew through his head, of swimming with Kyle in the ocean, of growing up riding horses, and of finding out on a dare just how little sunlight it took to hurt a vampire. First dates, first blood draw, first everything, then joining the Tannisford Guard together. They’d run ops against the Invictus and dated a lot of women. Then Emily had arrived.

Sweet Goddess, Emily.

He would miss Kyle more than he believed Emily would ever understand, until she broke into his mind. I can feel how much you miss him, Dev. I’m so sorry.

He realized their shared bond had enhanced what he could sense from her and what she could feel from him. A corresponding wave of fae empathy flowed over him and let him know she understood his suffering. But as with everything Emily did, a corresponding rush of healing covered him almost at the same time.

He drew a deep breath and felt peace ease his heart. Then suddenly, Kyle’s voice was once more in his mind. Love her, brother. Take care of her the way I never could. I’ll miss you.

He couldn’t hold back a soft gasp. Kyle. You came back. I’ll miss you too, brother.

But there was nothing more. He’d come back to share one last thought, then he was gone.

Emily suddenly turned into him and he heard a sob escape her throat. Kyle was here, wasn’t he?

For just a moment, yes.

I felt him. She slung her arm around his neck and he held her close. I miss him.

Me, too, Em.

For a long moment, he held her in a tight embrace in the alley in Millerell. He didn’t release her until the crowd began to disperse and Stone headed back their direction.

Emily wiped her eyes. Devyn’s throat finally began to ease up.

Stone glanced at Emily. “Well, this isn’t good. Devyn already has you in tears.”

Emily chuckled. “Something like that, but not in a bad way.”

Stone nodded, his understanding clear in the warm light of his eyes. “In a couple of nights, I’d like to sit down with you both along with Rosamunde and talk things over. I think Vojalie and Davido should be included as well. I need a better understanding of what happened out here tonight and about time-pathing.?

?? A smile touched his lips. “But it can wait. I can see that you’ve got business to take care of this evening.” His gaze then fell to Emily’s feet. “And I take it this adventure of yours wasn’t exactly planned.”

Devyn glanced down and saw that Stone was looking at her bunny slippers.

“Oh, my, gosh.” One hand flew to her cheek. “I’m so embarrassed. I had them on this whole time. I can’t believe it.”

Stone chuckled. “I suppose if you have a couple of psychopaths on your tail, you might as well be comfortable.”

Emily broke up laughing. Devyn grinned.

She went on to explain. “I’d been doing homey chores when the fae from hell showed up along with her vampire boyfriend. I was going to arrange some books in my living room. What else would I be wearing but a pair of slippers?”

“You’re right.” He glanced from one to the other. “I’ll let you go then. Take care of each other. Nothing is more important.”

Devyn dipped his chin. “Thanks.”

Stone nodded once, then vanished since his bond with Rosamunde had given him the ability to teleport.

The alley was now empty.

Emily glanced up at him. “If it’s all right, I’d like to go back to my house.” She looked down at her slippers. His gaze followed and he watched as she wiggled her toes and made the ears move. “At the very least, I need a proper pair of shoes.”

He was about to pick her up in his arms and fly her to her house, when she simply touched his shoulder and whisked him through the time-path.

Before he could register what she’d done, he was standing in her living room. He wasn’t far from the fireplace and the stack of books she’d mentioned to Stone.