Devyn frowned. “Won’t Leonus know you and I are now bonded?”

Emily shook her head. “A vampire like Leonus won’t care. He’ll make it his mission to destroy you. Once you’re dead, I’ll be free game again.”

Devyn frowned. “Bait, huh?”

“Yes. I can do this.”

She watched Devyn meet the gaze of every vampire present, then her own. “We’ll make it work.” He glanced out the window. “And I think the alley’s the place to do it.”

Through the windows of the Wild Boar, Emily could easily see the alley opposite despite all the beers signs. She’d stood there only a week ago, early in the evening, wondering if she should confront Devyn about their relationship.

Now she was here, plotting with him on how to bring down a powerful mastyr and a dark fae. How strange life could be at times.

He turned to the assembled mastyrs and laid out how he wanted things to go down including where he wanted everyone positioned. When he was done, Emily watched the mastyrs leave one or two at a time. Each took off in a different direction, but in reality they would quickly circle back to the alley to wait with vampire stillness for the action to begin.

At Devyn’s instruction, Rachel and Wanda prompted what had become a very quiet bar to get going again. The band whipped up a tune and the shifters either flirted with the women nearest them or started talking in their usual loud voices.

When a couple of shifters rode up on their bikes and came in shouting, Devyn inclined his head to Emily.

Time to rumble.

Though Emily’s heart pounded in her chest, she responded with a dip of her chin. She slipped by the shifters and headed out onto the sidewalk.

Once there, she feigned her rage. “Don’t bother seeing me home!”

She could hear Devyn following after her. He slammed the door, then shouted, “I’ll do whatever the hell I want.”

“You can’t commit to me, Devyn. You never could. Just leave me alone.” She headed straight for the alley, picking up speed.

Because she was bonded to him, she could actually feel him rise into the air. He flew swiftly east in the direction of his home in Boylbury. At the edge of the village, however, she sensed him sprint north then slowly make his way back in her direction.

Emily swiped at fake tears and began to levitate down the alley, though she stuck close to the pavement. She could see a few businesses and row houses in the distance. She slowed down a little and continued to work at appearing distressed.

She’d begun to wonder whether Leonus really was anywhere close, when suddenly he was right in front of her, just a few feet away. Mitrana stood next to him, a triumphant smile on her lips. Just as swiftly, the smile dimmed and she narrowed her eyes.

“All alone?” Leonus stroked the scar on his face and Emily shuddered.

Emily ignored the smell of something rotting, then tossed up her hands. She called out loudly. “No, Leonus. I won’t go with you.” Maybe it was her blood rose ability, but she could sense the vampires gathered in an arc overhead, waiting for Devyn’s orders.

Mitrana took a step closer to Emily. “Something’s not right.” She sniffed a couple of times. “She smells different.”

“What do you mean?” Leonus scowled and his scar darkened in color.

“She’s bonded with the vampire.”

Devyn, get in here now.

When Devyn’s voice returned telepathically, she could tell he was communicating with the entire force. She didn’t even know he could do that. Vampires, once I’ve attacked Leonus, come after him as well. Trap him, but we want him alive. We need to know what he knows. Emily and I will be heading into the time-path.

Emily watched Devyn drop down from the air with a move so fast, she gave a startled cry. Alerted, Leonus was just turning around when Devyn punched him in his lower back, doubling him over. At the same time, Emily felt the other vampires start to descend into the alley ready to battle Leonus.

Emily, I’m going to fly straight at you. Get us into the time-path the second I make physical contact.

I’m ready.

The dark fae called out. “We’ve got to get out of here.”

Leonus straightened up, ready to do battle once more. But Devyn flew like a bullet toward Emily. The moment his skin touched hers, Emily pulled him into the time-path.