He took her hand in his and a split-second later they returned to real-time.

Little by little, the tension emanating from the mastyrs eased from the room. Nothing needed to be said. The bond was clear to all.

After a moment, the mastyrs began to cheer. The shifters joined in. Some whistled, clapped their hands, shouted.

Emily squeezed his hand. This is for you, she pathed. They know you’re worth.

Her words hit him hard. He’d believed for so long he’d failed his brother that he hadn’t thought himself worthy of a damn thing. Those who knew him had a different opinion and expressed it now.

He gave himself a moment to take it in. Thank you, Kyle. He whispered the telepathic message. Though nothing came back, it was no longer necessary. Kyle had done his part, his brother, his beloved twin.

The cheering went on until Devyn waved a hand. He then took a few minutes to tell them what Leonus and Mitrana had been up to. “Any of you game to help us locate and bring down this pair?”

Another cheer went up. The men rallied around them, eyes vampire fierce. A few pairs of fangs sat heavily on lips.

Chapter Eight

Emily loved the warrior community. It was one reason she’d stayed with Kyle as long as she had. She loved the men who served Tannisford by putting their lives on the line every night.

She also loved that she’d be playing a part as well. Maybe not as a warrior, but as a powerful, bonded fae. Right now, though, she wanted guidance.

She let Devyn know she was contacting Vojalie, then opened up her pathing frequency.

When Vojalie responded, Emily told her what was going on and that she and Devyn had completed a large portion of the bonding process.

That’s wonderful to hear. You’ll find all your abilities are now heightened and you’ll be able to block Mitrana in the time-path. But there’s something I’d like you to do.

If possible, Vojalie wanted Emily to detain Mitrana which meant she would have to block the dark fae from using the time-path. Vojalie would then bring several members of the Sidhe governing council to arrest the woman. Together, they would have enough power to overcome her dark skills.

Vojalie also made it clear they wanted her captured, not dead. This is critical, Emily. We must find out from Mitrana all she knows about the time-path inroads her kind has been making.

Emily grew very still, almost making use again of her latent vampire abilities. It was strange to be both fae and vampire especially since in this moment she was both, more than ever.

Maybe it was the bond, she wasn’t sure. But she could feel something terrible loo

ming on the horizon for the Nine Realms. Though they’d just gotten rid of the Ancient Fae, they weren’t free from others of equal power also obsessed with domination.

Vojalie had been warning her all along the way. During her training, she’d spoken often of forces unseen, some to help, some to hurt. The fae time-pathers under her tutelage would each need to help at some point. Emily had thought her role would involve going back in time to search out antidotes for dangerous dark fae poisons. She’d never thought she’d be caught up in the need to capture a dangerous vampire and his dark fae partner.

Emily? Are you still there? Emily?

She drew a deep breath. Yes. I’m here.

You can do this. Begin by luring her out of the time-path. Once she appears, go inside and block her from reentering. Battle her if necessary. That way we can capture her in Millerell. But you’ll need Devyn to do this, to support you while in the time-path. Do you understand? This is most important.

I do.

Good. I’ll leave you to it. I’ll be as fast as I can.

Emily felt Vojalie end the conversation.

She relayed Vojalie’s instructions to Devyn and the mastyrs grouped around them. She felt the need, however, to hold back on Vojalie’s reasons for wanting Mitrana taken alive. But these fighting men had been around a long time. Each was more aware than she could possibly be of the dark forces at work in the Nine Realms. “She definitely wants Mitrana alive.”

Devyn squeezed her hand. “Then that’s what we’ll do.”

One of the mastyrs asked. “But how will you get either Leonus or Mitrana back to Millerell?”

Emily had the answer. “My fae instincts tell me he’s still here and I can be the bait. I’m what he wants.”