He supported her with his arm around her waist. They’re all mastyrs and they’re here for you. Word got out. This is one of the reasons I made up my mind fast. He sent his mating frequency straight to hers and wrapped her up. He turned and met her gaze. Will you let me in? We can start the bonding process and put these mastyrs out of their misery. But it’s up to you.

He watched as tears filled her eyes. Of course I will. But are you sure?

Yes, I’ve been a fool. But there’s something more. Kyle was here with a lot on his mind, a lot he needed to say to me.

Her brows rose once more. What do you mean?

You were right when you said you heard him. I think he’s been working for us both because what he told me earlier has set me free.

You’re no longer afflicted with guilt over his death, are you?

He shook his head. Kyle admitted that the night he died he’d been full of arrogance. He chose to battle Leonus even though he knew he couldn’t possibly defeat him alone.

Wait a minute. Are you saying Leonus, the scarred vampire who’s been after me, killed your brother?

According to Kyle, Leonus was there looking for me. He settled for killing Kyle.

And Kyle told you all this?

He did. The brief conversation gave me hope like I’ve never had before.

Slowly, her concerned, frightened expression gave way to a smile that squeezed his heart hard. She’d looked exactly like this when he’d first met her in the coffee shop five years ago.

Do it, she pathed. Start the bond.

With that, he felt her frequency open. His own rushed in as though taking possession of something that had always belonged to him, a home that was as familiar as his farmhouse in Boylbury.

The bar disappeared. All he could see was Emily, the sparkling beauty of her green eyes, her sweet, lovely face, the emerald glinting at the point of her ear.

Kyle had done this for him, had made this possible. He could love Emily now, freely and without reservation. He’d wanted to be with her for five years. Now he was here.

His mating frequency held hers in a gentle grip, nothing rough, never for Emily.

A smile touched her lips and a mist filled his mind. Before he knew what was happening, he was back in the coffee shop in a time-convergence only she could arrange. She slung her arms around him and kissed him.

Time had linked them from the beginning.

He returned her kiss as he had back then.

Their frequencies moved faster and faster.

Suddenly, it was as though a light exploded in his mind. He knew the bonding process was different for every couple. But it was beginning right now, in the Wild Boar, before the Goddess and a dozen mastyr vampires. He doubted, however, that right now anyone in the bar could see them since they were essentially in the time-path.

The full completion of the bond would be fulfilled in private, when they could be joined physically. But right now, what needed to happen in order to locate and bring down a dangerous mastyr and his companion dark fae, was taking place inside the time-convergence.

She drew back with a sharp intake of breath. They were still within the continuum as she blinked several times and stared at him. Then her whole body relaxed. “Devyn.”

He nodded. His chest felt tight like it was too small to contain what he felt. “We’ve bonded. Can you feel it?”

“Yes. It’s amazing and my entire system is vibrating with the change.”

“The power that comes from the blood rose bond.”

“Exactly,” she whispered.

The bond was secure. As blood rose power began to flow through his mating vibration, as his mastyr power increased, and as his battle energy revved up, he was ready to take on the vampire who had killed Kyle.

“You can take us out of the time-path. We’re ready.”