So that was it. He could smell her blood rose scent.


Vojalie’s mist might have provided protection against a roaming mastyr vampire. But not a time-pathing dark fae who could somehow figure out each of her destinations.

She needed help and there was only one person she could think of that made sense.

Dev, she pathed. I’m in trouble.

His voice came back strong and steady. I’m almost through the mist at your house. I had difficulty finding the keyhole again.

You’re at my house? You came back?

Yes. I’ve made some decisions.

Well, I’m not there. And I have to get the hell out of my current location or Leonus will get me.

Emily, come to the Wild Boar. I’ll meet you out front and I have an idea.

On my way.

~ ~ ~

The moment Emily said she was in trouble, Devyn’s shift in purpose settled deeply into his bones. He’d never flown so fast in his life as he did making his way back to the Wild Boar.

By the time he got there, she was standing near the door, on the cobbled sidewalk. He flew straight to her and caught her up in his arms. She was shaking, head to foot and clung to his neck.

Devyn, Leonus is working with Mitrana and she’s able to follow me in the time-path. They’ll be here any second.

He released her but only enough to look into her eyes. “Then I’d better say this quick. I love you, Emily, and I want to bond with you as a mastyr to his blood rose. I want to marry you and I don’t care in which order we do either of these things. Just say you want the same thing.”

She stared at him, her eyes wide, her hands pressed to his chest. “Yes, of course. You know how I feel. But wh-what happened? What in all the Nine Realms changed in the past few minutes?”

Kyle. Kyle is what changed.”

Mastyr Leonus suddenly appeared with a dark fae in tow, just as Emily had said they would. Devyn turned to face them, while at the same time thrusting Emily behind him to keep her safe.

“You come here for a fight, asshole?”

Leonus sneered. “Why the hell not? I could take you with both arms strapped behind my back.”

“I’d like to see you fucking try.” The truth was, Leonus was a significantly more powerful mastyr than Devyn. But Devyn had Emily and something else. He had a community that would support him. Warped men like Leonus might link up with a woman like Mitrana, but otherwise, he worked alone.

But Mitrana didn’t give Leonus a chance to make good on his fighting promise. Instead, the dark fae touched Leonus’s shoulder and the two of them disappeared, no doubt to regroup.

Devyn immediately turned to Emily. Her eyes were still wide and glinting with adrenaline. “Mitrana took him into the time-path.”

He dipped his chin. “Looks like it, which means, we’d better get ready. No way he’s not coming back for you.”

“So what do you have in mind? You said you knew what we needed to do.”

At that, he caught her arm gently then guided her to the door of the Wild Boar. “There’s something here I want you to see.”

Once inside, all eyes turned their direction. Several vampires stood up. Some were Guardsmen. A few were law enforcement. But not one set of eyes was focused on him. No surprise there.

He heard her intake of breath and felt her tremble.