While he worked his hips, she accessed her time-pathing ability, but didn’t move into the continuum. Instead, she centered her thoughts on the mist she could create within both their minds, this new strange phenomenon.

She focused on the night it had been raining. She’d sat on the couch in Kyle’s apartment. Kyle was late in coming home. They were all supposed to go to the movies together.

The electricity had gone out, but the log fire had lit the room well enough. She and Devyn had been sharing wine and had laughed at the sudden loss of light. The mood had shifted swiftly, though.

He’d stared at her and she’d caught his lemon-oak scent. She knew now what it meant, but back then it had simply aroused her. Desire had swirled over her.

“Do you see the fire, Devyn? Are you sharing this time-path?”

“I’m there.” He kissed her again. “I almost leaned over to you and did this.” He slid his hand behind her neck and kissed her. It was as though she was watching a fantasy from the past get fulfilled right here in the present.

He thrust faster now and kept kissing her. I wanted to push you on your back, on the couch, and get your clothes off. I wanted to be inside you. I wanted to release while surrounded by your sex. I wanted to make you mine.

I wanted it, too. So much. They’d stared into each other’s eyes for a long, long time, not talking and she was there now, looking at him with the firelight dancing on his face. We’re fulfilling that desire now, right now. Do you feel it, Devyn?

I am. I’m with you. I have you on your back. I’m going to come inside you.

He surged into her, pushing harder and harder, faster and faster. She felt vibrations pour off his body and from his cock. His mating frequency swarmed over hers now.

Her body was on fire, just as he had said.

Passion and fire.

Desire rose in a wave of heat. She writhed as ecstasy took her back and forth between the firelight in the past and Devyn over her in the present.

Pleasure rained down on her as never before.

Her body began to crest, rising sharply to the pinnacle. At the same time, he arched away from her then roared as he released into her. He was wild and uncontrolled, rocking and thrusting.

Pleasure peaked. She opened her mouth and cried out over and over. Her voice mingled with his roars. A profound sensation exploded from their joined frequencies, enhancing the physical orgasm. Heat spread up through her abdomen and enveloped her chest and her heart. Tears flowed from her eyes.

As before, a lull occurred. This time, he kept thrusting. He knew what it meant. He stared down at her. She met his gaze. The firelight was gone from the past, but in its place was what felt like a tornado approaching.

“Are you ready?” His voice was so deep. The scent of lemons and oak flowed around her and made her tremble.


She held onto his shoulders.

The second wave hit and he moved his hips vampire fast and groaned. He hunched over her and his roars once more erupted from his throat.

Her sex pulsed as yet another swell of ecstasy raced through her. She was cast into the heavens. Her mind swirled with light. She felt as though she’d gone to a place where time didn’t exist at all. She’d never felt such peace and such joy, all blended with the pleasure of being with Devyn.

Ecstasy continued to pulse through her until at last her heart began to settle. She returned to the present, to her skylight full of stars in her French bedroom, and to Devyn.

She felt his weight on her. She thought it the most beautiful sensation in the world. As she slowly began to return to herself, she surrounded his shoulders with her arms and held him close.

The present coalesced at last and she stared up at the stars through the skylight. She took a breath, then another. Her heart was still beating fast, but every other part of her felt more relaxed than in months, possibly since Kyle’s death.

Devyn made odd grunting sounds, but she sensed they came from a combination of contentment and the need to take in more air than he was.

He pathed. I don’t know where we went. But it was full of light.

She pet his head in slow strokes. You saw it, too? So, it wasn’t just me.

I saw it. Time didn’t seem to exist.

That was my take on it, but I have no idea where it was.