“I want it, too. I need it.”

Because his hair was so long, it fell to either side of her. She could see the windows and her garden through the spaces where his hair separated. She smiled. She hadn’t expected to ever have this particular view.

But he drew his hair away, shoving it behind his neck no doubt to give himself a clear path to her throat. His rigid cock rubbed against her sex. She tilted her pelvis, encouraging him to do exactly what she wanted. She felt his hand as he held his cock then began to push his way inside.

A delectable shiver traveled her entire body, especially when his mating frequency began moving more quickly over hers. She closed her eyes and savored each part of the experience, from his cock driving in and out of her, to his lips kissing a line up her neck, to his mating frequency swirling over hers in a way she could only describe as erotic. The whole time, she smelled lemons and oak.

She supported herself on one forearm as she reached up and stroked his face with her hand. “Bite me, Dev. I want you to. Take what you need.”

He grunted as he angled his head. She returned her hand to support herself on the bed and once more licked her neck. She held herself very still and he quieted his hips. She could feel him placing his mouth and his fangs in the right position. A second later, he pierced her skin, penetrating to the right depth.

As soon as he began to suck, everything shifted to a different level. She didn’t feel completely inside her body. A mist moved through her mind.

His scent rose all around her, lemons and oak, as he thrust into her, building her toward release.

She was realm, both animal and spirit. She was fae and vampire. She was a powerful time-pather with increasing abilities. She was a blood rose.

As had happened last time, she was able to create a kind of convergence of time and suddenly they were both in the

past, back at the coffee shop and she was kissing Devyn.

The dual experience flooded her body.

Holy fuck, Emily. I can feel you kissing me in the coffee shop again. We’re in both places like last time, but how are you doing this? His voice sounded strained, yet exhilarated

She didn’t want to disturb the moment by speaking out loud, so she stayed with telepathy. I don’t know exactly. But it has to be a form of time-travel. I can feel your lips on mine in the coffee shop. Yet, at the same time, I know you’re feeding from me here in my bed.

Sweet Goddess, Emily. His hips moved faster and he sucked harder. There’s a mist covering my mind. I’m with you. But the sensations, they’re like fire. And I love that I can feel that kiss again even while drinking you down.

His telepathic voice sounded deep and masculine. I can feel the urgency I experienced back then. I wanted so bad to take you out of the coffee shop that night. In those split seconds. I wanted to take you home with me. I wanted to make love to you.

Me, too. So much.

I want to do something with you right now, Emily. You willing?

Totally and completely. I’m yours.

With that, he swiped the wounds on her neck then drew back. The mist moved out of her mind as it must have for him as well. She was back in the present.

He pulled out of her, then slowly rolled her over, onto her back. “I know you wanted to be on your knees, but I want to do what I’d envisioned in that moment.”

She nodded. “Yes.” But tears bit her eyes. To have the two experiences converge had tackled her emotions to the ground.

He pushed her legs apart and entered her again. Slower this time.

She loved feeling his cock pushing inside her. This was Devyn, what made him a man. Time seemed to slow in a really good way. She saw the clarity of his brown eyes, the straight strong line of his eyebrows, the angle of his cheeks, the fullness of his lips.

He dipped down and kissed her. She arched her neck to receive him and gasped lightly. He began to thrust into her sex in long, slow glides. His lips plucked at hers, his tongue rimmed her mouth. As she opened, he dipped inside.

This is what you wanted that night?

He drew back, still driving into her. He held her gaze. “This is what went through my mind when you kissed me. I wanted to take you home and make love to you exactly like this. I remember thinking: I’ll take my time.”

She took a deep breath and another. He stroked her in the same almost languid movement, keeping time at bay. She wanted the moment extended as far as possible because right now, he belonged to her.

“I want you to see something.”

He nodded. He seemed to understand.