Setting the glass on the island, she leaned way over and sipped from the top. She had to hold her shirt up or her right breast would fall out the saggy side of her shirt. She wished she’d put on a bra.

But who the hell cared, anyway?

Once she brought the level of wine down, she picked up her glass and sipped some more.

When he remained silent, she gave him a hint. “Have you forgotten how to talk?” Now she was scowling and pissed.

“Why didn’t you tell me a mastyr had tried to abduct you?”

Her heart jumped at the memory of the vampire’s cold hard grip on her arm. She shuddered. “I’m safe now and that’s why I called Vojalie. She’s going to have someone pick up provisions for me. Though I haven’t broached the subject yet, I think she’ll help me find a suitable mastyr. She knows everyone or at least she and Davido together do. Once I’m properly bonded, I won’t have to worry about Scarface.”

“But you should have called me, Em. I want you to be safe. It’s important.”

“Why is it important to you?”

“We’re friends. We’ve known each other for five years. You were engaged to my brother.”

“And we had sex and I ended your crippling chronic blood starvation. Don’t forget those things. Or have you already?”

“That’s not fair.”

Why was the damned man still so handsome even when his brow was split with a frown?

She took a hearty drink of her wine. “Do you know what’s not fair? The way I felt when I kissed you that first time. With the stupid snow on your stupid navy wool coat over your stupid, sexy Guardsman uniform. Your lips were so warm and there was something else, Devyn, like this stream of energy that flowed from you into me. I think it wrapped around my heart and has had hold of me for five years. That’s what’s really not fair.”

Glass in hand, she drew closer. “You know what else isn’t fair? I started building a new supply for you when you called and now I hurt. I haven’t created additional blood for the past week, not until you called. So, you see, that’s not fair.

“You’ve done this to me, Devyn. You made me a blood rose. So, fuck you for coming over here tonight. It’s cruel and I don’t care if you hate my bunny slippers and my French cabinets and my sloppy shirt. I don’t care. Do you hear me? I’m going to learn not to care that you and I inhabit the same universe. I’ll figure it out somehow. See if I won’t.”

Chapter Six

Devyn knew the wine had hold of Emily. But in this case, she was speaking things from her heart. He knew what she was talking about, the same stream of energy that had wrapped up her soul had tied up his as well.

She was wrong about one thing. He loved her shirt, her torn jeans, even her ridiculous slippers.

He loved her house, her garden, the artistic way she put everything together, no matter what she did.

He loved everything about her.

But right now what he loved most was the scent of her summery wildflower blood.

His nostrils flared and quivered. “You need to step away from me.” His legs shook. He was badly aroused, hard as flint.

She was a blood rose. She was his blood rose.

But she stayed put. “What if I don’t want to? What if I stayed right here?” She stepped another two inches toward him. “Or here.”

He took her wineglass from her. She protested, but she was loose on her legs and unable to counter his move. He grabbed her with one arm around her waist and steadied her as he set the stemware on the soapstone.

Sweet Goddess, he had his arm around her.

He shook now head to foot. He could smell her blood and it was doing something to his brain. He leaned in, and swept his tongue along her throat where he’d fed from her before.

She moaned heavily and slung her arms around his neck. “You’d better not fucking leave me in this condition.”

Maybe she’d said something. He wasn’t sure. A fog had penetrated his brain and it was all sex, need and desire. He picked her up and headed toward her bedroom.

He knew the way. He’d been to her home several times when she hosted a family dinner. He’d stolen into her bedroom just to be there. By then, she was living mostly at Kyle’s city apartment, but she’d kept her own place.