He’d done it himself, when he’d owned a bike. Kyle had talked him into a Harley a few years ago. He’d enjoyed riding for a time.

The deal was you had to enter the town, roar through it, then circle back. For one thing, it alerted any interested females that the men were headed to the bar. For another, it felt damn good.

The bikes now roared back from the opposite direction, making their return approach. Seconds later, they slowed, revved, backed in and shouted at each other.

Not surprising, a

group of dressed-to-kill women suddenly appeared from the alley opposite.

All the male shouting turned to whistles and catcalls. At least most of them would be getting laid tonight. He’d be getting … frustrated.

His thoughts instantly shot in Emily’s direction. But he threw a rope, lassoed them like an old, U.S. western movie, and hauled them back in. Nothing good could come from thinking about Emily.

He thanked Wanda for his beer then drank deep.

Several of the shifters had an arm around a woman as they barreled into the bar. Before the door had even hit the wall, they started shouting drink orders. Both Rachel, the owner, and Wanda, who tended bar, had already started filling glasses with the usual brew.

Rachel lined them up. She was smiling. She liked the rough crowd. Wanda, too.

One of the shifters who was still companionless, strolled up then leaned into the bar. “How’s it goin’, Wanda? You free tonight?” No subtlety there.

“Not for your furry, ass, Brim. Or yours either,” she added, shoving a glass at his friend. “So don’t bother with the compliments. Besides, I know for a fact Shelly and her girls will be here in a few.”

Both men whistled and slapped the bar with their palms.

Brim turned to Devyn. “How’s it hangin’? Shit, I love that American expression.” He chortled. “Mine’s hangin’ just fine.” He grabbed his crotch and gave a tug.

Shifters had their own way. And no, it wasn’t subtle.

“I’m good.” Devyn could lie with the best of them.

Brim scowled suddenly. “Didn’t I hear something about you fighting off a hardass wraith the other night? Some of my mates helped you out as I recall.” He drank from his glass with one eye on Devyn.

“They did. And yes, that wraith was odd, not the usual thing at all.”

“I thought we were done with that Invictus shit.”

Devyn shrugged. “I don’t know where that pair came from.” He knew why they’d hit Millerell. Once again, Devyn recalled the wraith saying Leonus had sent him to get rid of Devyn. But why?

Brim grinned. He was Guardsman big and had a lot of teeth. His smile alone won him all the action he needed. He slapped Devyn on the back. “Come back to save us all, did you?”

“Fuck off.” Devyn laughed then drank his beer.

Brim chortled.

His friend turned toward the door as a lovely elf and a pair of beautiful trolls entered. He pushed away from the bar making a beeline.

Brim glanced back as well. Though his eyes widened with interest, he didn’t leave the bar. Instead, he moved one bar stool closer, sat down then lowered his voice. “Listen, Devyn, something happened at the grocers earlier tonight. I don’t know if you heard about it or not. But Emily was in the store and had a run-in with a vampire none of us have seen before. Do you know anything about that?”

Devyn didn’t at first recognize the sensation that hit him. But it soon translated to his brain as a chaotic mess of rage and panic. Emily had said she was fine. She hadn’t mentioned being accosted.

He rose up from his stool and turned to stare at Brim. “What the fuck are you talking about? What kind of run-in? I need details. Now.”

Brim told him what he knew then added, “He was real strange-looking and had a scar down the right side of his face.”

“Shit.” Devyn felt every instinct he possessed light on fire. He wanted to hit something and even Brim slid off his stool and took a couple steps back. He lifted both hands. “I’m just the messenger, Dev.”

Devyn calmed himself enough not to hit Brim, then pushed his way to the door through the growing crowd of pleasure-seekers. Once outside, he flew into the air with his new level of speed. He rose higher than he needed then headed in a straight line to Emily’s house.