He felt himself in danger, however, of falling into old patterns with Emily. She’d always had the ability to charm him. “Well, like I said I was calling to make sure you’re all right, I mean with your situation.” He’d almost called it a condition which would have sounded more like pregnancy than anything else.

“I’m learning to deal with it. I haven’t built a new supply yet or anything. But I swear, just talking to you – ” She broke off suddenly. “You know what, I have to go. But I’m fine. No need to worry.”

“If you need me...” He got the words out fast. He could tell she wanted to hang up.

“I’ll call if I need you. Good-bye, Devyn.” Then she was gone.

He stared at his phone. Scowled at it. Resisted the urge to give it a shake. Had she just hung up on him?

He sighed heavily. Another beer sounded really good about now.

His thoughts turned to the Wild Boar. Maybe he’d have a beer there. He’d be in Millerell and not far from Emily.

If she needed him.

Now why did that sound like the biggest rationalization he’d ever made in his life?

His jaw shifted around a couple of times. He swore he could smell her blood in his nostrils.

Stone had said it wouldn’t be simple and no, it wasn’t. He sat down and ate his soup. But once he was done, he still had a couple of hours to kill before his Guard shift started.

He definitely needed a change of scenery.

Without giving it another thought, he put on his uniform then headed to Millerell.

~ ~ ~

Emily shook head to toe.

One stupid, brief conversation and she was lost to the vampire all over again.


Worse. As soon as he’d mentioned her ‘situation’, she could feel her heart building a supply. For him! And he didn’t even want her.

She wanted to go out, that’s what she wanted to do. She wanted to find a vampire, any vampire so long as he wasn’t a mastyr and intent on bonding with her. Then she’d donate all she had. She might even have sex. She’d been without a man now for over a year and she was really feeling it, especially since she’d had the best sex ever with Devyn just a few days ago.

She blew the air from her cheeks.

She wanted to go out and she would have, except for her ‘situation’. She was afraid of meeting up with that mastyr again. She’d felt his power and only until a whole bunch of shifters had taken him on had she been able to make her escape into the time-path.

Surviving trumped sex. Except she shouldn’t have stayed on the phone so long with Devyn. She rubbed her chest. She was really feeling it now. She would probably have to call him anyway to get some relief, but she didn’t want to. She couldn’t bear the thought of being around him again, but unable to be with him.

She went to plan ‘B’. She changed into a pair of jeans torn at the knees, then slid into her ridiculous pink bunny slippers. She donned a dark gray t-shirt that hung off her shoulder but was so old and so comfortable she felt better the moment she shrugged into it.

With her slippers making a shushing sound on her slate tile floor, she went to the fridge and pulled out a chilled bottle of sweet German wine.

She opened it, then carried it to the cupboard housing her glassware on the other side of the island. She found the largest piece of stemware she could and began to pour. The damn thing held at least two cups worth. Maybe more.

She never did this. Yet somehow, especially with her heart aching all over again and her chest filling up with something meant for Devyn, she didn’t care.

She returned to her sitting room, settled into her oversized pink and green floral chair, and started to drink.

~ ~ ~

Once inside the Wild Boar, Devyn chose a seat at the bar to the right. He sat down, but angled his body so he’d be able to watch the door. He could see some of the street as well through the windows, though a number of beer brand signs cluttered up the view.

He heard the roar of several motorcycles from up the main thoroughfare to the east. A moment later, a riding club of shifters, most of whom belonged to the Tannisford Brigade, raced past making their usual entrance into Millerell.