Emily followed her gaze. The sitting room had a skylight that met a full floor-to-ceiling bank of windows. She had designed both the sitting room and the master bedroom to have a view of the night sky. Creating the proper sun-shielding shutters had been no small feat. But a very talented troll architect-builder had created a unique shuttering system that covered every inch of glass once the sun started to rise.

Vojalie pivoted to face away from the windows and gestured with her hands to the sliding doors. “I take it you cordon this room off completely during the day.”

“Not at all.” She told Vojalie about the shutters.

Vojalie smiled her approval, then addressed the difficult subject at hand. “Don’t worry, Emily. I’m going to create a special mist for you. I believe it will keep you safe in your home.” She was silent for a moment as she held Emily’s gaze. “Did I ever tell you you’re one of my favorite students?”

Emily was never more surprised. “No, though I find it hard to believe.” Emily was acquainted with most of her fellow, time-pathing students. She was part of a group of lovely women, each more talented than herself, of that she was sure.

Vojalie sat down in the chair facing the windows and the view of the garden. “Well, that’s one of the reasons. You’re self-effacing, but not in a negative way. It’s part of your charm that you tend to see so much good in others. So how long have you been in love with Devyn?”

The sudden change in subject brought Emily dropping to sit on the chair adjacent to Vojalie. She released a heavy sigh. “A long time.”

“He’s very handsome and something more. Davido used a word to describe him. Yes. Vibrant.”

Emily thought for a moment. Of the two brothers, Kyle shone in social settings. Devyn was much more somber. Yet, as she considered him, Davido was right. Devyn carried an internal energy with him, part mastyr and part his own personality. He loved to get things done. Kyle loved to play.

She’d enjoyed Kyle.

But she’d fallen deeply in love with Devyn.

Vojalie inclined her head toward the windows then shifted her gaze toward the garden. “Will that do?”

The powerful fae’s gaze was fixed outside. Emily followed her sight line. “Oh, that’s so beautiful. And you’ve created pink and green swirls of mist.”

“You can see it? Good. I thought you might be able to.” She glanced around. “And I couldn’t help but notice you tend to favor these colors.”

‘Tend’ was right. The entire sitting room was themed with pale pink and a soft moss green. Her mentor had surprised her yet again, one more reason she’d made Vojalie her role model.

Because of Vojalie’s thoughtfulness, Emily found herself sharing things about Devyn and her love for him. She even told her about the navy wool coat, the snowflakes and attacking him with a kiss before she’d ever met him.

Vojalie put her hand to her chest. “I do so love a good romance.”

Emily couldn’t help but smile. Vojalie was in love with one of the ugliest trolls Emily had ever seen. She’d been married to him forever, a famous troll, whose age no one knew, by the name of Davido the Wise. Emily had met him once. The man’s troll charisma was off the charts. She was pretty sure, if given the order, she would have followed him to the moon and beyond.

“Do you have any advice for me about Mastyr Devyn?”

“Me? Heavens, no. Every romance must take is own course. All I will say is be courageous.”

There it was again. Vojalie preached courage as the real mission in realm life. For a moment, Emily wondered if she’d shown any kind of courage at all in her relationship with either Kyle or Devyn. She should have broken up with Kyle years before she even got engaged to him and she should have pursued Devyn like a dog after a bone.

She offered Vojalie some tea. But Vojalie begged off. She was training Holly today, one of her other time-pathing students.

Vojalie stood up, her hands on her hips, her cream tunic flowing over purple flowered tights. “I wish you every happiness, Emily. I do.” She glanced around the room one last time. “I may have to talk to Davido about building me a studio at the northeast end of our property. I’m loving this arrangement.” She met Emily’s gaze. “Be well.”

Then she was gone.

Vojalie was amazing.

So, courage it was.

Chapter Five

Back at his house, Devyn strove to calm down. Once he did, he turned Stone’s words ov

er and over in his head. ‘Make sure she’s safe. Really safe.’

Stone spoke from experience. He’d even lost control and nearly beat Rez to death. Apparently, Rosamunde had gone to the Wild Boar in search of a vampire to feed. She’d built an extra supply and needed relief. In fact, if rumor had it right, she’d gone specifically in search of Rez to take care of her.