At the time, however, she hadn’t known anything except that Kyle wanted to meet up at the Boylbury coffee shop to have some pie before heading out for a night of battle. So, when she’d gone in, she’d seen a tall, blond-haired Guardsman towering over the elven coffee house owner. He’d just come in, too, because he still had snowflakes on his coat.

Within the time-path, she saw him as though slightly blurred. Yet, even now, as she looked at him, she wouldn’t have known it was Devyn. He looked just like Kyle. Because both men were Guardsmen, each had the muscular grace of the fighting man. He stood with shoulders back, head high, his body strong. Kyle had the same stance.

She heard the jangling of the bells on the door and turned within the time-path to watch herself enter the shop. She smiled when her past self caught sight of ‘Kyle’ and gave a squeal. She’d only been on three dates with him, but already they’d been having a lot of fun. Kyle had been so charming and full of an irresistible devilment.

Through the continuum, she watched herself hurry past several turnstiles of cards, coffee beans, and music CDs trying to get to the counter. Several customers milled about waiting for coffee orders as well. The moment Devyn turned toward her, she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him.

From the safety of her blurred view of the past, she watched and waited. She remembered the kiss going on for several seconds. She recalled how different Devyn had tasted even then and how sensual the kiss became, and how tender his embrace had been, very much unlike Kyle. She remembered even then Devyn had a sexy scent, all lemony and oak-like. She’d quickly become aroused and almost begged him to take her somewhere.

At that point in her relationship with Kyle, she hadn’t been to bed with him yet. But if Devyn had asked her right then, she would have gone with him without the slightest hesitation.

That’s what she remembered.

But what had Devyn felt?

He slowly drew back and pushed her away. He looked remorseful. “Sorry. You must be Emily and you also must be mistaking me for my brother, for Kyle. I’m Devyn.”

She could recall the terrible, cold sensation of pulling away from him, of feeling like that withdrawal from his arms was the biggest mistake of her life. She’d known even then she was losing something of inestimable value.

The bells jangled again. From within the time-path, she watched Kyle arrive.

Emily recalled that in her dismay, she had run to Kyle and thrown herself on his chest. She pretended to laugh, but she didn’t want him to see her distress.

She watched herself for a moment, remembering the pain even back then. Yet she wasn’t there to relive that part of the memory. Within the time-path, she shifted back to Devyn.

And there it was, a look of stunned horror as he watched Kyle hugging her and kissing the top of her head. Devyn stared at her then at Kyle, his heart in his eyes. Emily saw the depth of his regret. His lips remained parted and for a long time he didn’t look away.

He must have heard his coffee order called up because he turned toward the counter. The elven female waiting on him reached out and grabbed his arm. “Are you okay, Mastyr Devyn?”

He’d caught himself on the side of the counter and kept himself from losing his balance. He’d laughed, pretending as she had, that something amusing was happening.

But Emily knew the truth and tears burned her eyes. What had happened between herself and Devyn during that kiss had been completely and fully mutual.

Emily drew a deep breath. She hadn’t been mistaken, now or then.

Over the next four years, as she dated Kyle then shared living spaces with him, there had been a series of incidences with Devyn. She time-pathed to the one that stood out in her mind.

The second year she’d been with Kyle, Devyn had given her a Christmas present that had meant the world to her. Kyle had thought the silver bucket of pink silk roses absurd and had teased her about it. But the bucket had been a reference to a book she’d read that had moved her. She’d told Devyn about it in passing. Devyn had read the book then given her the roses.

After Kyle had taunted her, Devyn had left the room, then the house. She followed him now, in the time-path. She watched him as he walked home. His jaw worked several times. He rubbed his palms over his eyes.

She hadn’t seen him for a couple of months after that. Even Kyle thought he was making up excuses not to see her, though he had no idea what she might have done to offend his brother.

She now had the answer she needed and left the time-path. She returned to the present, to her place in the alley across the street from the Wild Boar.

She didn’t cross to Devyn immediately. Because she’d been within the continuum for several minutes, she experienced some dizziness, a precursor to time-lethargy. A familiar and lovely troll approached him, a barmaid at the Wild Boar. She chatted with him for a minute then levitated in a swift, friendly leap to kiss Devyn on the chee

k. Trolls were short and vampire Guardsmen tall.

Emily heard his deep voice. “You’re good people, Wanda.”

“Back atcha, Mastyr. Well, I’m going in. Those beers won’t pour themselves and Rachel hates it when I’m late.” Rachel owned the bar.

She felt in her bones Wanda’s exit was her cue.

She emerged from the shadows of the alley, walking briskly as though having just turned the corner. Traffic was light as she crossed the street. No cars in sight though in the distance she could hear the rumble of several motorcycles. Bikers hung out at the Wild Boar. “Hey, Dev. I’m here.”

Devyn turned her direction, but he wasn’t smiling. If anything, his expression grew more somber still.