He went fast and surprised her again by adding the amazing vibration, this time to his cock. “Oh, Sweet Goddess, Dev.” She uttered a series of cries. “I’m so close.”

“Look at me.”

She met his beautiful brown eyes. This was him. Her Devyn. The man she loved.

Tears spilled as she watched ecstasy arrive for him. She saw it in the almost anguished expression on his face, in the catch to his breath, then the sudden roar that left his lips.

The sounds he made took her straight over the edge once more. Pleasure flowed in a deep river, pulsing through her sex and rising in a beautiful intense stream up through her abdomen and her chest. Her mind was filled with sparkling light and so much feel good, she could only utter a series of cries and gasps.

A lull followed, something full of tension.

She opened her eyes. His were wide.

“Oh, sweet Goddess, Dev! We’re not done yet, are we?”

He shook his head and began to drive into her again. He was still hard.

“But you came.” She was stunned.

He smiled, a lovely wicked grin that grabbed her heart all over again. “Guess I’m ready for a second round.”

She grabbed his waist with both hands. “Give it to me then.”

This time, she held his gaze and never let go as he pumped hard, slamming into her. He added the vibration once more and she cried out.

This time, he went fast, vampire fast and pleasure caught her once more. Only, it was so intense she screamed.

She was transported in that moment, catapulted hard into a future full of light and love then thrust into the past. She saw a montage of moments she’d shared with Devyn, private brief encounters that had all added up to make her love him. He’d bought her a mocha coffee when Kyle had stood her up. He’d given her a book of poems by her favorite Bergisson author. He’d laughed with her at some joke only the two of them got. Kyle had begged to know what was so funny, but neither could explain.

And the first kiss. Suddenly, she was back there, kissing Devyn again. But it wasn’t just a memory. She was there. Yet she was in bed with him here in Boylbury at the same time.

She saw the snowflakes on his navy coat. She felt how warm his lips were and how even then he smelled like oak and lemons.

Then she was back in the present, breathing hard. Devyn lay on top of her, also striving to catch his breath.

He drew back and looked at her, brows raised. “For a moment, I thought we were back in the coffee shop. Remember the time you kissed me? It was winter. I hadn’t met you before.”

She nodded and smiled. So much love filled her heart, she could hardly speak. “You had snow all over your shoulders and on your hair. I think, but I’m not sure, we were there just now. We were in both places. We were here and we were back there five years ago.”

“I don’t understand. What are you saying?”

“It felt real, right?”

“It did. I could smell your shampoo.” He chuckled. “Wait, no. I was smelling your scent even that first time.”

“Same here.”

She smoothed his hair away from his brow. “I will always remember that kiss.”

Maybe these were the wrong words. Or maybe the memory sparked a series of unfortunate images in Devyn’s brain. Whatever the case, she watched the glow leave his eyes and darkness descend. It was as tangible as watching a fire suddenly burn down to only a pile of ashes.

“You kissed Kyle right afterward. It was one of the few times I wished I wasn’t a twin.”

She placed her hand on his shoulder. “Devyn, it should have been you.”

He reacted so abruptly, this time she knew for sure she’d said the wrong thing. “How can you say that? You were with Kyle. You loved Kyle. I know you did.”

He looked away from her as he slowly withdrew from her body.