When he began his descent, she released his throat, though he groaned in the process. I love that you were sucking on me.

Her body sang with desire. She was with Devyn and he was going to make love to her. I’ll do it again, when you’re inside me.

Another groan followed, heavier this time.

She ached all over now, in her sex, her heart, and deep in her soul. Even her chest seemed wrapped up and laden with longing. She’d wanted him for such a long time. Now he was here.

Patience, she decided, was everything.

Maybe courage as well, since that’s what it had taken this evening just to cross the street to him. What followed, including getting him inside the time-path with a vampire ready to deliver a killing blow, had also required all the nerve she could summon. She still couldn’t believe she’d essentially saved his life.

Glancing toward the ground, she saw they were flying in over his apple orchard on the north side of his small farm. He had a number of acres at the base of the hills. She also knew that to the east, his boundary abutted Mastyr Rez’s land. The men were neighbors and friends. She hadn’t been surprised at all he’d phoned Rez.

Emily knew Rez’s history as did most of Tannisford. He’d lost his father and grandfather to the Invictus, though she believed his mother had died early on in his life of a rare realm disease. Later, Rez’s wife and their two young boy had been killed. His teenage daughter was still missing.

Kyle had railed against Rez’s refusal to rejoin the Guard, but Emily hadn’t agreed with him. Rez had lost his entire family to the Invictus. She didn’t blame him for being unable to cope with his grief. Devyn’s attitude had been much more forgiving. He also believed Rez had never stopped batting the Invictus, but had patrolled the remote eastern sector of the realm on behalf of the local villages.

Emily’s agreement with Devyn during that time had been just one of the arguments she and Kyle had engaged in over the years.

Now she was here with Devyn, in his arms as he landed her on his farmhouse porch.

His home was set back from the main thoroughfare by at least a hundred yards. He had a barn and other outbuildings scattered across the property and a caretaker to manage the night-to-night work. She saw horses and goats and knew he spent his off-hours tending his livestock and his land.

He didn’t release her right away. Instead, he slid her down his body to let her feel her feet, then drew her into his arms. But it wasn’t like the trip over. Instead, what struck her in this moment was how tender he was. His embrace was gentle, warm, and it was everything she’d hoped.

A kiss followed.

Devyn was kissing her.

Yes. At long last.

She melted against him. This was Devyn, the man she’d basically assaulted in the coffee shop with snowflakes all over his navy outer coat.

Her throat grew tight with tears. She finally saw and acknowledged just how much love she felt for him, suppressed for years because she’d been committed to his twin brother.

She wrapped her arms around him and savored the feel of his tongue searching her mouth then plunging in and out. His hips curled at the same time. She felt his arousal and she uttered a soft cry. Take me inside.

He released her, but dipped down and slid his arms beneath her knees. He lifted her up to cradle her in his arms. Just before he opened the screen door, he asked in a deep, husky voice, “Sure you want this? Because once we start, I won’t be able to stop.”

“I’m sure, Dev. More than I can say.”

He flipped the screen back then pushed the door open. A mud room appeared next. He moved swiftly so that she saw a blur of rooms, a small office, a large open kitchen, and a living room. He banked right since he was levitating, then right again as he swept her up a side staircase to the second story.

Once at the landing, he moved straight across into what was a suite of rooms all in dark woods and white upholstery. A full wall of windows, broken up into rectangles, faced north with a view of the orchard, pasture and hills.

He turned to the left and flew her into his bedroom.

The next few minute was about getting rid of boots and leathers, her top, bra and jeans. She had to stop for a moment, pull her snug jeans back up and take her shoes off.

He’d made a similar mistake with his boots, but the problem was corrected in vampire speed.

By the time he was naked, she was stretched out on the bed, her back against a soft comforter.

He froze as he stared down at her from the foot of the bed. His gaze took in a slow sweep of her body.

For a terrible moment, she feared he would invoke Kyle’s ghost then refuse to make love to her. Instead, he took his cock in hand and stroked as he moved closer.

She trembled now. What she’d wanted forever was here, right now, towering above her.