She saw him through the porch window and affection flowed through her in a swift wave. Was it truly possible she and Duncan would make a family together?

Duncan, she sent, but a strange kind of static returned and she knew something was wrong.


Duncan had his mug to his lips when a vision slammed into him. The heavy cup flew from his hands, bouncing down the steps of the porch. A powerful sense of urgency pummeled him hard and pushed him to his feet before he realized he’d even moved.

He couldn’t see anything except the images in his head, so he threw his arms out to keep his balance.

A battle vision emerged of entering the darkening grid from the portal in Merl’s home. Once inside, he began to run. Less than a minute later, wreckers arrived, at least two dozen of them, blasting through the grid wall.

Oh, God, so many.

The black ops team engaged them in battle. In the vision, they weren’t shielded, though he didn’t know why.

The vision skipped forward and he stood in front of Yolanthe’s portal, part of the team with him, the other still fighting hard at the initial point of battle.

Within the vision, he accessed his wrist scanner and started to punch in the numbers to open Yolanthe’s portal, then hesitated. He even asked Rachel to shield them, but she couldn’t. She was being blocked.

At that point, the vision fell apart as though destroyed from somewhere in the future streams.

This sequence of events was a far cry from the original vision of finding Katlynn in a quiet prison.

He tried to access the vision again but it was shut down by some external force.

The only thing he knew for certain was the black ops team had to be inside the Third Earth darkening grid within the next five minutes or the woman and Merl’s squad of What-Bees would be killed.

With his heart racing, he closed his eyes and contacted Luken telepathically, but there was no response. The seconds dragged by slowly. When Luken finally responded, a half minute had passed. Who is this?


I didn’t get that. Who? There’s interference of some kind.

Duncan shut the communication down.

Creator help him, what was he supposed to do now? He felt certain a Thi

rd Earth entity was disrupting not only the vision, but his ability to use his telepathy.

He calmed himself and thought about Merl and all the recent training. Within a few seconds, he knew what to do, but he had to act fast. He slipped his t-shirt off and ran down the steps of the porch onto a gravel path.

He began swelling his wing-locks and at the same time accessed his grayle power. Because of all the adrenaline in his system, his wings mounted the moment his grayle power came online and he was in flight. Somehow, the quick beat of his wings helped him to give full expression to his power.

He flapped hard, quickly breaching the forest canopy. He continued to fly then set his path in a slow circle. He focused on the strong grayle vibrations. But instead of only reaching out to Luken telepathically, he brought every member of the team fully within his mind, including Rachel. Looking down, he saw that she now stood on the porch watching him.

When he knew he had everyone’s telepathic attention, he sent, Listen up, team. The vision of the future has changed. An unknown enemy has surfaced in the future streams and somehow impacted our rescue mission. Right now, we’ve got three minutes to get into the grid or we’ll lose Katlynn and all seven of Merl’s Third What-Bee squad. But this will mean battle against wrecker warriors, a lot of them. And Rachel won’t be using her shielding power. And no, I don’t know why except that she’ll be blocked. But by whom or by what, I have no idea. And Merl, I’ll need your wrist scanner. Everyone get to Militia HQ on the double.

He didn’t question for a second that they’d heard him, or that they’d respond to his directive, because he felt it. Closing the telepathy down, he drew his wings into close-mount and shot like a rocket back to the porch. He pulled up at the last second, landed on his feet, then in a smooth, Third-like manner, brought his wings into his locks.

Rachel had already changed into her battle suit, including her new dagger holster. “I’m ready.”

Duncan waved a hand, donning his battle kilt and harness, silver studded wrist guards, battle sandals and shin guards. He put a hand on her shoulder and folded her to the Apache Junction Two landing platforms.

The officer on duty called out, “Luken left instructions. Fold straight to the Ops Cave.”

Duncan dipped his chin, and with his hand on Rachel, folded both of them there.

To his astonishment, the entire team had already gathered, eyes wild with battle fervor. Endelle wore a red, cloud-like skirt with chain-mail beneath, the blade vest, black hip boots, and her horned helmet.