An hour later, when Luken arrived back at Rex’s home, several of the warriors had already gone inside, including Owen who stuck close to Katlynn.

Luken didn’t follow right away, but took a moment to have a good long look around. The temp in Phoenix Three was about perfect, even in December. He suspected a microclimate kept the entire canyon or valley, or whatever the hell this was, in a temperate state.

The palatial structure of Rex’s home reminded him somewhat of Endelle’s McDowell Mountain palace, constructed as it was of cream-colored quarried stone.

When he finally entered the house, he saw that like Endelle’s palace, Rex’s home had no glass windows. The main living areas were open to the air, perfect for viewing what proved to be a mixed woodland, a sparkling river, and acres of cultivated ground.

Crossing through the main rooms, he found the team gathered around a massive dining table. For some reason, his gaze went to Endelle first and he noted the uneasy look in her eye. She blinked more than usual and kept glancing around the room as though afraid to let her gaze light on the man across from her and chatting with Duncan. He couldn’t recall ever seeing Endelle knocked so completely out of stride.

But as he shifted his gaze to Rex, he could understand why.

The man had an undefinable quality, something so full of strength and power, even Endelle had to be awed. No doubt she’d gain her bearings soon enough, and give as good as she got. But for now, it was pleasant to watch her adrift, stunned like a rabbit caught in a snare.

She’d also toned down her wardrobe choice, wearing a single pheasant feather draped across a massive pile of her black curls and a multi-colored gown gathered at her left shoulder, the other one bare. Of course, heavy eye-make-up including gold sequins somehow pasted to the outside edge of each eye, gave her the usual over-the-top look. Still, she actually sat with her hands folded politely on her lap. Unbelievable.

As Luken looked around the table, he realized a chair was missing; there were too many guests and not enough places.

He was about to bring the oversight to one of the servant’s attention, when Rex spread his hands and began speaking. “Now that we’re all gathered, may I present my prime Seer, Megan of Atlanta Three.” He gestured to a woman at the head of the table. “I’ve asked her to say the blessing.”

The woman who rose to her feet had several blond braids looped on top of her head, though the bulk of her hair cascaded behind almost to her waist. She had a terrible scar across her right cheek angling to her lips and pulling up to distort her features. In the ascended world, scars occurred only two ways; if they were acquired before an ascension from Mortal Earth or if the individual wasn’t allowed to self-heal. Luken wasn’t sure why, but he suspected the latter.

Megan had an unusual inner spiritual light and seemed familiar in a way he couldn’t explain as she lifted both her hands. Her eyes were a lovely green, her brows arched. Except for the twist of the scar, she must have been a beauty in her day.

When she spoke, her words were slightly twisted as well because of the scar. “Most blessed guests, you are welcome in Phoenix Three and our master, Rex, hopes you will stay among us as long as it pleases each of you. Y pro nai-y-stae.” Luken knew her words were from the ancient language and loosely meant ‘stay forever’. Megan continued, “This night, pray be at ease and may the Creator bless this food to our use as we find nourishment at the master’s table.”

When she sat down, Luken immediately stood up. “Please, Rex, have my chair.”

But Rex waved a hand. “Not needed. I have only one aim, to make sure you’re all well-fed. I’ll be directing traffic.”

With that, he clapped his hands and a stream of servants arrived bearing bowls of steaming food and pitchers of what proved to be an excellent sangria.

As Luken sat down, he couldn’t help but watch Endelle. She was slack-jawed again, no doubt because her host had proved not only to be charismatic but thoughtful as well. Her gaze rarely strayed from Rex as he took his time moving around the table, directing his wait staff and chatting with his guests.

Rachel and Duncan had their heads bent together. The new woman, Katlynn sat beside her brother, Merl. He held her hand and more than once palmed his cheeks in the same way Katlynn swiped at her tears. The reunion of brother and sister had been a beautiful thing and had further helped Luken to forgive all of Merl’s prior annoying behavior.

Owen sat on the other side of Katlynn. He had a similar expression as Endelle’s and that’s when Luken’s heart sank. He’d been so busy battling and getting everyone to safety, he’d forgotten about the power surge that had allowed his team, as well as Merl’s squad of What-Bees, to escape Yolanthe’s home.

He suspected the breh-hedden had found its next victim, though time would tell. However, the fact Owen and Katlynn had created some kind of sonic boom to destroy a powerful veil of mist over Yolanthe’s property seemed to indicate exactly how their relationship would progress.

He brought his goblet of sangria to his lips and set his gaze on a nearby bowl of cracked wheat salad. He’d been alone a long time and the presence of the breh-hedden hitting so many of his fellow warriors, yet skipping his own desert of a soul, made him wonder if he’d missed the boat somewhere along the way. Would he ever know the kind of bond many of his warrior friends had already experienced?

Luken. A faint female voice entered his head. He glanced at Endelle first, then Megan, Rachel and Katlynn in turn, wondering which of them had spoken to him. But each was engaged in conversation and couldn’t have accessed his telepathy at the same time. Besides, the voice didn’t sound familiar at all.

Who are you? He returned,

focusing inward.

I’ll be with you soon.

Are you here? In Phoenix Three? And again, who are you?

Nothing followed and he knew the unexpected communication had ended.

Great. Now another unknown entity had just entered the picture.

But was she friend or foe?
