“Again, just sayin’.” He grinned, however, an expression that made her want to bitch-slap the team leader.

But Endelle knew she needed to be sensible, so she worked hard to keep her lust under control.

Over the next few minutes, Rex’s servants led each of them to their respective dwellings. Much to Endelle’s surprise, the tall man assigned to her folded her to an exotic house made of colorful stone walls. Several small, manmade waterfalls created a series of bathing pools and lounging areas in the front rooms. When she meandered toward the back of the house, she was absolutely stunned when she found a large room filled with at least twenty beautifully wrought outfits in a myriad of colors, and each in her basic overkill style.

Rex’s Pr

ime Seer had definitely done her homework.

The attached bathroom already had a tub full of bubbles waiting for her. She folded off her costume, letting it fall into a pile at the foot of the tub. She stepped in, sank beneath the foamy mass, and released a sigh so heavy it reverberated through the room.

The male servant entered at the same time, carrying a brass tray bearing a decanter of wine and a jewel studded goblet. He was also completely nude.

Her brows rose as her gaze landed on his impressive male apparatus, beautifully formed and hung.

He smiled. “I’m ready to serve you in whatever way you desire.” He ran his index finger the length of his cock just in case she missed the point.

Her earlier lust for Rex rose in a heated flush to her cheeks. She wanted nothing more than to haul the servant into her bath, yet she hesitated. Some instinct warned her against taking him up on his offer. And that something had to do with a man wearing a cape and looking like a god.

“Though I am tempted, I’ll just have the wine, thank you.”

When he left, she slid her hand between her legs, fondling her swollen folds. With her free hand she sipped her wine, while her mind became intently focused on a very specific image of Rex’s thick muscled arm.


Owen stood in the middle of a steel, glass, and leather living room, scowling. The decor suited him, which meant he’d been analyzed and he didn’t like it one bit. He wanted everyone out of his business, not picking him apart and making decisions on his behalf.

He’d already sent the servant away; he could take care of himself.

He was irritated as hell and why wouldn’t he be when fifteen minutes ago, he’d stood locked arm-to-arm with the veiled woman who had essentially blown the lid off his world. Literally.

The woman was Merl’s sister, the one called Katlynn and he’d carried her through a fold to Phoenix Three, only relinquishing her when Merl called to her. She’d all but flown from Owen’s arms and embraced her brother.

But the power. Oh, God, the power that had flowed through him, ripping apart everything he knew to be true about his life. His skin and his mind still buzzed with the aftereffects, holding him immobile even now.

Katlynn and her doe eyes, the sweet flowery perfume she wore, the soft peach bloom on her high cheekbones as she stared at him.

He hadn’t really come back to himself since their shared power had set Merl’s Third Earth What-Bee team free and momentarily destroyed Yolanthe’s mist above the prison.

He wondered how long the disorientation would last.

He needed to get a move on. Rex wanted everyone back at his dining hall within the hour.

Finally, he forced his damn feet to move.

Heading to the massive stone shower, broad enough to mount his wings, he folded off his clothes, stepped in, and started scrubbing. He wanted Katlynn to see him at his best and not covered in battle blood. He wanted her to know he was a civilized man, even though he came from Second Earth to her advanced Third. He wanted her to know he was worthy, though every cell in his body knew the exact opposite to be true. He was ruined to the core when it came to women.

So, what the hell was he thinking anyway, worrying about her good opinion of him? He was caught in a war. What good would it do to be pursuing a woman on Third, when he didn’t even know how long he’d be here?

Yet as he washed his hair, the shoulder length indicative of his in-between state, he felt a profound compulsion to get back to her. He also needed to see if Rex had a few extra weapons lying around. He’d already tried to fold his identified sword from Second Earth, but couldn’t. Third was wrapped up tight as a drum and if he was going to make sure Katlynn stayed safe, he’d need some serious weaponry.

He was under no illusions about Rex’s manmade paradise. Yolanthe of Mexico City Three now had several reasons to come after Duncan and the rest of the black ops team. And if what Duncan had said was accurate, someone in the future streams had started messing with him, someone no doubt in Yolanthe’s employ, and who could possibly interfere with Rachel’s shielding power.

When he was finally dressed, he was the first one to arrive at Rex’s home. He positioned himself across the way near the river so he could see everything happening around him in a three-sixty.

If he wondered why he’d suddenly grown so concerned about a woman he’d just met, he set it down to the mysteries of ascended life. Whether he liked it or not, he felt in his gut he was intended to serve as the woman’s bodyguard.
