Rachel peeled herself off Duncan’s lap and rose to her feet. Duncan joined her, his attention first ascertaining the team had survived then reverting to Katlynn and Owen.

Katlynn still held Owen’s arms, but her veil was gone. She wore her brown hair in a crown of braids on top of her head. Her lips were parted as she stared at Owen. Tears glistened in her dark eyes.

Duncan moved in their direction and opened the door to Katlynn’s cell. “We’ve got to get out of here.”

But it was as though Katlynn couldn’t hear. Instead of responding to Duncan, she remained close to Owen, gripping his arms through the bars of the cell clearly unwilling to let him go. Owen looked shell-shocked as he stared back at Katlynn.

Duncan knew they had less than a minute before Yolanthe recovered and began repairing the mist. He didn’t have time to be subtle, so he slammed an arm down on their joined arms and shouted. “Stay and die, or leave with the rest of us.”

This seemed to shake Owen out of his stupor. He pulled his arms away from Katlynn, but immediately went into the cell and simply picked her up in his arms. Duncan could feel the energy still vibrating through the couple because of what they’d just experienced and he definitely had his suspicions about their future.

The rest of the team had already moved in Duncan’s direction.

“We’re heading to Phoenix Three as a unit. I’ve seen where we’re going, so let’s link up, hands on shoulders and I’ll get us all there.”

As they’d done earlier as a team, each member made contact with the next until the circle was complete. With Yolanthe now sitting up and shrieking orders, he let his grayle power flow.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Yolanthe leap into the air, but she was too late. He merely smiled as he folded the team to Phoenix Three.

Because of the vision, Duncan was already prepared for the beauty of the new environment, but no one else.

Alex summed it up. “Phoenix Two never looked like this.”

The fold had landed the team beside a smallish river and a nearby village. Cliffs rose at least three hundred feet on either side of the water, though the terrain stretched at least a half mile between. Children played at the edge of the river. Goats cried. A

dog barked and a small boat floated with the current. A stone bridge connected the opposite bank where a breeze flowed over fields of produce.

Rachel drew close. “This is amazing. Is this really Phoenix Three?

“Yes, it is.”

“Where’s the desert?”

Duncan looked up. “At the top of those cliffs, I imagine.”

A very tall man appeared suddenly, having folded ten feet from the team’s position. “I see you made it, all nine of you. Well done. My name is Rex and I’m the creator of this hidden colony.” He fixed his steely gaze on Duncan. “And I’m pleased to meet you at last, Warrior Duncan of Second Earth. Welcome to Third. We’ve been expecting you for a long time.” He even extended his hand.

Duncan moved forward and took it. He felt immense power flow from Rex, like nothing he’d experienced before, not even with Endelle. Rex was definitely in her league, maybe higher, as though, like Endelle, he’d outgrown his dimension a long time ago.

Rex had thick, wavy black hair, warrior long, with several braids on either side of his face, though the mass was pulled back and worn in a loose clasp. He had a strong masculine look, very charismatic, with a thick nose, full lips, and broad cheekbones. His eyes were sharp and predatory, gray in color but with unique shards of brown mixed in.

He was also warrior big, carried a helluva lot of muscle, and had a woven black cape flung over his left shoulder. Taller than Warrior Medichi, Rex had to be at least six-eight. He wore black leather pants and beneath his cape, a vest tied with leather strings. He had on boots in the same material, hand-stitched, but of fine workmanship, and in a rugged style.

Duncan glanced around. “What is this place? This canyon? Nothing on Phoenix Two or One has a river like this.”

“A hidden territory on Third Earth, a place I designed, carved out of the earth, and now protect with a veil of mist you probably can’t see, despite your level of power.”

His gaze slid past Duncan. “My Prime Seer has prophesied this moment for weeks now and we are tremendously overjoyed to have you here at last. She has sought each of you in the future streams and has prepared lodgings that would most suit you. Clothing has been provided and in an hour, I’d like you all to join me for a feast I’ve prepared in your honor. How does that sound?”

A murmured assent traveled the team.

Rex’s gaze landed on Merl. “And don’t worry. Your men are here as well, though at the far north end of the colony, twenty miles distant. You’ll have ample time to explain all that transpired, so for now, be at ease.”

Duncan glanced at Merl. Once arrived, Owen had relinquished his charge to Merl. The Third ascender had his arm around his sister, who in turn held tight to Merl’s weapons harness despite the battle debris. Tear streamed down Katlynn’s face.

Merl frowned. “But…you’re Rex Vega.”

“I am.”