Rachel loved those words. She caught his arm and drew him close to Katlynn’s cell. “Here’s ‘The One’.”

“Stand back, all of you,” Katlynn shouted. “And prepare to fold.”

“Fold where?” Luken asked.

For a moment, silence reigned. Rachel had no idea where they were supposed to go, nor did anyone else.

But Duncan’s skin had developed a familiar soft glow and his grayle smoke streamed from his body. “I can see the place. We’re to go to Phoenix Three, a hidden land.”

Katlynn addressed Owen. “The One, put your hands in the cell and when I grip your arms, you must grip me back and not let go. But there will be pain.”

Rachel, standing so close to Owen, watched him blink. “I’m yours to command.” He slid his arms through and grabbed Katlynn’s as well.

Rachel gasped and felt a powerful vibration begin to build within both Owen and Katlynn.

“Oh, shit,” Luken said.

Rachel turned and slammed herself against Duncan. We need to hunker down, get low. Tell your men. This is going to release some kind of energy surge.

His telepathic voice reached the entire force at the same time, issuing the warning.

Whatever was going to happen, it would be enormous.


The future must unfold

In its own time.

Collected Proverbs – Beatrice of Fourth

Duncan pulled Rachel into his arms and pressed his back against the stone wall. He quickly slid to the floor as she clung to him. He could feel the power building in Katlynn’s cell.

Suddenly, Yolanthe’s voice penetrated his head. Duncan, come to me.

He turned and saw Yolanthe levitating above the dead bodies of her Militia Warriors. She wore sea-green silk, her lips as dark as he remembered, her pale blue eyes boring into his. He felt his hold on Rachel slacken, and he began to ease away from her.

Yolanthe floated in the air, coming toward him, arms outstretched. The compulsion to go to her took hold of him completely.

“Duncan!” Rachel shouted, grabbing his face with both hands, forcing him to turn back to her. “Look at me! Focus, warrior! Stay with me!”

Within his mind, he began forging a wall against Yolanthe. And just as he wrapped his arms around Rachel once more, a powerful blast of energy blew through the prison, emanating from Owen and Katlynn. Then another and another. If he and Rachel had been standing, they would have been thrown against the stone wall and possibly killed.

Another blast and the prison rocked from side-to-side.

Whatever Katlynn and Owen had created together could shift the earth.

When no more waves followed, he knew it was over.

He glanced up the hall and saw that Yolanthe had been knocked back to the stairwell and lay against one of her dead warriors, blood oozing from her mouth. His hope she’d been killed disappeared as she lifted her hand then moaned. She was badly injured, but he had no doubt she’d survive.

The next moment, the warriors in the cells were shouting to each other. Their doors were off the hinges and hung wide. He could see each warrior was free of his chains, though naked. They made their way swiftly to the hall.

One of them folded out of the prison, then returned. “Yolanthe’s mist is gone. We’re free.”

As a group, all seven men went to where Merl now stood. The tallest warrior, a man with brown skin and black eyes, shoved at Merl with both hands. “You, bastard. You don’t deserve to live.” He then let his fist fly, hitting Merl hard on the chin.

Merl flew backward against the wall. Though he righted himself in a flash, no doubt ready to offer an explanation, his team vanished, folding out of the prison.