
The moment he began to release his wings, he cried out and his cock began to jerk in her hand. She kept a steady, quick tug of her fist on his stalk, loving the shouts that erupted from his throat as his wings unfurled.

He let out a roar as he came, his warm seed spreading over her abdomen.

When his body settled down, and the tips of her wings batted against his, she let go of his cock. He leaned his forehead against hers. “That was fantastic.”

“Next time, you can do the same for me.”

He drew back enough to meet her gaze. “With pleasure.”

After a moment, she backed away and turned to wade into the stream. She rinsed off his semen, then returned to him.

But when she glanced down at his groin, she gasped. “You’re still hard.”

His eyes were at half-mast. “I’m liking this rise in powers. It’s helping other things stay where they ought to stay.”

His spicy ale scent flowed over her in heavy waves, teasing her sex and causing her legs to tremble. She swept her wings forward then back just enough to lift her up then catapult herself into his arms.

He caught her around the waist, and with a brisk downward sweep of his wings, he took her into the air. He moved swiftly so that within seconds they were out of the forest and flying up toward the stars.

She kept her shield tight, knowing death vampires could be anywhere and who knew when Yolanthe would decide to show up.

Eventually, he slowed and with a gentle flapping of his wings sustained them midair. “Why don’t you bring in your wings and let me do the work.” He kissed her neck, suckling above the vein.

I’d like that.

As soon as Duncan drew back and took her hands in his, she focused on her wing-locks. With a few deep breaths and her new Third ability, she brought in her wings with one swift, unbelievable thought.

“It’s amazing, isn’t it, the way the grayle power has of enhancing everything?”

“Incredible.” He was careful how he moved her close, always keeping one hand on her. She wasn’t able to levitate, so without her wings she’d fall.

But Duncan, as a warrior, was a very physical man, his body honed, his reflexes sharp. She felt very secure with him.

With one arm draped over her back and his hand on her ass, he said, “Wrap your legs around my waist.”

The sheer strength of his muscled arms, helped draw her entire body against him, even helping her pelvis to arch.

With her legs secured around his waist, she locked them in place.

He stared into her eyes, his wings wafting slowly overhead. “Use your hand and guide me in.” His smile was seductive.

She reached between their bodies, and once more held his cock in her hand. Tilting her pelvis, she guided him to her well. The moment he entered her wetness, she moaned. Nothing felt better to her than this intimate connection.

He held her tight against him and with his wings moving in a slight backward stroke, he began to drive into her.

She clutched his arms, savoring the feel of him. The sight of the stars appearing and reappearing with the rhythmic movements of his wings, brought her heart swelling. The moment felt so full and nothing pleased her soul more than being under the heavens, in the air, secure in Duncan’s arms while he made love to her.

Love was what she felt, all her affection for him, and her desire. Feed from me Duncan. Take my blood.

He moaned as she angled her throat for him. Even while his wings wafted in the air, his strike was true. He formed a seal around the wound and began to suck.

The breh-hedden came to life in a new way in that moment. She began to see what it would be like to bond with him, to experience a permanent deep connection to him.

If they ever completed the mate-bonding, she would be able to feel what he felt at any given moment and he could know her physical location and her activities. Nothing would be more intimate.

She let herself enjoy these thoughts as he drank from her and rocked into her. His hips moved faster now, her pleasure rising as she flew toward the pinnacle of release.