“Hell, yeah.”

Endelle started laughing and couldn’t seem to stop. “Well if this doesn’t fuck me up one side and down the other.”

The team had all stopped what they were doing and now surrounded them both.

Endelle looked from one face to the next. “I think my life just changed course and it looks like I have a new job.”

But it was to Luken she turned and said, “You’re not going to believe this, but I’m your goddam righteous Guardian of Ascension. You’re ascending, Luken, that’s what I know. You’re leaving this dimension, moving on, and apparently – at least until that asshole Chustaffus is ground into a billion particles of burned up carbon – I’ll be serving as your protector.”

“What?” Luken looked like she’d just dumped a bucket of snails on his head.

“My sentiments exactly. And Merl, you’re going to teach me how to access my grayle power so I can keep this man alive. For some reason, he has a big role to play in your dimension.”

Silence reigned for a long moment, then the questions flew. What was the vision about? What had she seen? Why Luken? She answered them all, speaking at length about the details of the vision as well as what she felt in her heart.

When everyone’s curiosity was satisfied and their concerns laid to rest, she contacted Thorne telepathically. She let him know he’d need to take over for her earlier than either had imagined.

The response he gave was to the point. Tell me when and I’ll take up residence in the palace.

She chuckled to herself, then sent, Let me guess. Marguerite has already given you a heads-up. Thorne’s breh was the most powerful Seer in all of Second Earth.

She did, early this morning. A slight pause, then, Endelle, this is it, isn’t it

? You’re moving on for good?

Endelle’s throat grew painfully tight. Not sure, but it’s feeling powerful to me. My only real concern right now is making sure Luken stays alive. Every long, curly hair on my head tells me neither of our dimensions will survive if he doesn’t live to do battle with Chustaffus.

Shit, I’ve got another group of Third Earth death vampires headed my way. I’ll send Santiago to intercept. Chustaffus is making our lives hell here.

I know. We’re on it from this end, but it’s going to take time.

Wars always do. And Endelle, please stay in touch. You’re important to me.

She felt his telepathy disconnect before she could respond, before she could assure him she would always make an effort where their relationship was concerned. Thorne was family to her.

Having settled things with him, Endelle turned herself over to Merl for training.

With just a few brief instructions, she had to admit she rocked the new Third Earth moves. Merl had been right; she’d taken about three minutes to excel at folding while in wing-mount, though the rest of the team still struggled. Her grayle power turned out to have an excellent scarlet stream of smoke and her abilities to wield a sword came roaring back.

It might have been a few centuries since she actually went into battle, but her muscle memory was as sharp as the tip of her blade.

As far as her powers went, the only area where she struggled was in levitating, something those ascenders from Third Earth and the Upper Dimensions could do easily.

While attempting to levitate and falling on her ass a few times, Merl finally took her aside and asked quietly, “What’s going on? I would have thought levitation a cinch for you.”

“Hell if I know. You’re the teacher. What do you think?”

He narrowed his light blue eyes. Merl was a stubborn, handsome man and the recent revelation of having been the leader of the Third What-Bees before his exile only added to his good looks.

“I’ll tell you what I’m sensing. You’re holding back and that’s not like you.”

Endelle, not given to introspection, scowled as she stared in return. “I don’t hold back.” She ran her hand over her vest made up of thirty small, brass blades.

Merl smiled and for a moment seemed like the man she’d first met. He’d become so much more since his flirtatious period, but she’d missed this side of him. “I’m only suggesting that since this power eludes you, something has tripped you up. You regretting your announcement about being Luken’s Guardian of Ascension?”

“No, not at all.”

He glanced Luken’s direction. “What is it about that man? I know he’s a natural leader, someone you want to follow. But there’s something more, something I can’t put my finger on.”