Once they were in the offset hall, she told Grant to stop. She held his elbow as she checked the future again.

Kryder will be on us in ten. Hug the wall and creep back up to the main thoroughfare then move as fast as you can. I’ll keep checking. The other fae has him right on our heels. For a split-second, the fae felt familiar to Natalie as though she was someone she knew, then the sensation disappeared.

As they crept along the wall, Kryder flew past them in swift levitation. Natalie had never felt so afraid as she looked at the man who had caused so much devastation. His massive frame and thick, scarred features, plus the way he carried himself almost turned her knees to water.

Keep moving. The sharp tone of Grant’s voice in her head put her feet in motion. He disappeared from view as he headed back up the main hall. But she soon caught sight of him and shot across the carpeted hallway to catch up.

Once flying in his wake, she accessed the future. Stop where the hall T’s with the foyer. Kryder has a team waiting there. At least a dozen men.

Grant nearly flipped forward as he put his brakes on. Where to?

The venue to the right, but just inside. We’ll wait against the wall that faces the stage.

Grant moved fast, and Natalie kept up. Her heart beat hard. Her chest ached with fear, but she forced herself to calm down.

Holding the spell tight and keeping her wolf on full alert, she once more sought out the future.

But all she found was one trap, then another, and another.

She didn’t know what to do. The future wasn’t showing a way out at all.

Grant, we’re in trouble. The future shows us blocked at every turn. What do we do?

~ ~ ~

Grant heard Natalie’s words. She’d taken them this far, but he suspected the fae had them boxed in. We’re going to have to do this wolf-style.

What do you mean?

By now the aisles of the small theater were lined with Kryder’s men. Each wore black, short-sleeved t-shirts, black leathers, silver belts and blue flame logos on the front.

He set the young wolf down and drew his knife. He cut her bonds then in an instant transformed into a wolf. The young wolf jumped on his back and grabbed hold of his fur.

Natalie, stick close. We’re leaving this way.

He then levitated in wolf form and rose all the way to the ceiling, he glided through the air faster than he could as a human.

He couldn’t take his eyes off his path to see if Natalie was following, so he contacted her mind-to-mind. You with me?

Right on your furry ass, Warrior.

Her words made him smiled. He flew across the top of the stage then headed back up the opposite aisle and aimed for the doorway. He began clipping the heads of the security men with his powerful hind legs.

Natalie reported in. They’re going down like dominoes.

The foyer came next. Fortunately, the ceiling was twice as tall as the theater.

But Kryder was nearby hunting for them visually. The spell was holding. The doors, however, were shut.

There was only one thing to do. He told the young wolf to hold tight, that he was going to shift back to his human form.

She whispered. “I’m not letting go for nothing. Do what you’ve gotta do.”

Once he was done shifting, and Alanna was secure with her hands gripping his tank and her legs surrounding his waist, he flew toward one of Kryder’s men. He clipped him hard and grabbed his automatic weapon. He rose high in the air again as a spray of bullets sounded behind him. He then fired his weapon at one of the glass windows, well away from the stream of guests.

As the glass shattered and fell, he bolted through. Natalie? Please to God she was still with him.

Right behind you. Keep going.