Besides getting laid you mean? Which in my opinion is reason enough, but…whatever.

Natalie chuckled. Renee had a funny way of expressing herself. “Grant’s great. No question. In fact, he’s amazing.”

Renee appeared to sigh heavily and some of the mist around her chest moved up and down in waves. Yeah. I was so pissed off when I died because I’d only gotten a few weeks of all that ample goodness and speed. Oh, God, the speed.

For a moment, Natalie was drawn back to being with Grant. “Don’t I know it.”

So, what’s going on with you? I mean as you must know by now my job is to keep you on track. I was never good at the psychology crap, but it seems to me you’re in the shits right now.

“I’m scared.”

Who the hell isn’t?

“I didn’t expect to feel this way.”

Which way?

“Scared. Alone.”

When did it start? Right after you made love?

Natalie shook her head. “No, not right away. I think it was when Grant left the bed to take his shower. I’d had all this feel-good pumping through my veins. I mean, I wasn’t sure whether I’d ever come back to earth.”

Renee leaned forward. The sudden motion sent the mist flowing backward then returning to give the spirit more shape. Did you see stars? I saw stars once. Maybe even the whole universe.

“Yes, it was exactly like that.”

Another sigh and an odd fluctuating of mist. Yup, I’m still pissed about being dead.

Natalie chuckled. “I like you. I want you to know that.”

But do you like Grant? I mean, really like him?

“I do. I admire the hell out of him. Did you know your burrow home just got obliterated?”

Yes, though I have to say his devoted wolves made a solid replica in here with many improvements of which I strongly approve. Okay, so back to the moment when he left the bed and took his shower. What were you thinking about? Or maybe that’s not the right question. What happened, because I think I know.

“Give me your best guess.” Natalie stared at Renee, waiting for her response.

Renee narrowed her eyes but didn’t say anything for a long time. Finally, she said, I’m not sure if it’s Grant’s flaw or if it’s his strong suit or if it’s just a very male thing, but I’ll bet that when he left the bedroom, you felt a wall come down.

Natalie thought for a moment. “That’s it exactly. But I don’t want to sound like a whiner. He’s got a big job to do.”

He can shift gears on a dime. I remember feeling hurt a few times until I got used to it. In the middle of things, when we’d make love, I knew he was with me, completely. But I felt like I was a compartment in his head that the moment he was done with me, he closed the door and shut me out.

“Well, it did feel like that. But I’m not so much hurt as scared. We’ve been in the middle of this nightmare before, yet as long as we moved together, side by side, we were able to stay alive. Now that he’s not here, I’m petrified.”

Okay. I get it. You were shot recently, weren’t you?

“Up through my calf and into my thigh. It hurt.”

Right. The threat isn’t gone, either, is it?

“No, and my guess is this whole thing is going to get a lot worse.”

Probably. She crossed her arms over her chest. The mist flew around until it reformed. I’m pissed he didn’t finish that bastard off.

“He wanted to. I know he did. But I’m sure he thought it a bad precedent.”