Julio’s bedroom was down one flight of stairs and on the south side of the complex. He spoke quietly into his phone. “Fergus, you there?”

“I am.”

“We’re heading toward the stairs to the second level. The fighting appears to have been taken into the courtyard out back. Your troops have already rounded up dozens of flame-addicted wolves and have them sitting in different rooms.”

“Any sign of the wave effect? The one that subdued the packs in the first place?”

“No. My guess is Julio and Glissane have a different plan.”

“They want you dead.”

“More than anything.”

Fergus grew quiet then said, “You don’t have to do this.”

Warren chuckled since he’d said the same thing to Kiara earlier. “Like hell. We’re ready for whatever comes.”

“I’ll keep checking in with Mary. I’ll only come back to the phone if something changes.”

“Got it.”

When two of Julio’s men appeared at the end of the hall, Warren jerked Kiara into a nearby bathroom but kept the door open. Gunfire followed for a few ear-shattering seconds then Fergus’s men were running in the direction of the men.

Warren shifted to peer down the hall, but made use of only one eye to remain concealed from view. As soon as he saw that Julio’s men were dead, he ushered Kiara back into the hall. He caught her around the waist, shifted to levitation, and flew swiftly. She must have understood his intention, because she used her own levitation to stick close to him which allowed him to fly fast.

Another burst of gunfire echoed down the hall they just left. His adrenaline fired off rockets. This was the most dangerous position to be in, with small gun battles taking place all over the complex.

He headed to the stairs, checked for clearance, then swept down the first flight of stairs.

Once on the first belowground level, he kept them moving down the long hall that led to the south suite of rooms. Julio’s forces were nowhere to be seen in this part of the compound. They’d no doubt been sent to the ground level to engage Fergus’s troops.

When he reached Julio’s apartment, he had to open the door while still shielded, but closed it quickly behind him. Hopefully, no one saw the door appearing to operate by itself.

He spoke to Fergus. “We need Mary to guide us in.”

“She sees you and says that Julio’s bedroom is to the right of the living area. You’ll see once you’re inside. Hold on. Something’s wrong. Mary’s reporting in.”

The pause that ensued filled Warren with dread. Kiara trembled beside him. She felt it, too.

Fergus came back on the line. “Mary had to leave. Glissane saw the dreamglide. That’s one powerful bastard. Warren, you’re on your own.”

Kiara spoke her determination. “I’m ready.”

Warren’s dread deepened, but so did his resolve. “We’ll take it from here.”

He removed his phone from the shoulder pouch then slid it into the pocket of his leathers. He turned toward Kiara and gripped her arms. “You amaze me, Sweetheart. I couldn’t have done this with anyone else.”

Her dark brown eyes glinted and a determined smile touched her lips. “Let’s go save some wolves.”

Because it seemed like the right, best thing to do, he dipped down and kissed her in the same way she’d kissed him earlier.

When he drew back, she nodded slowly, a formal wolf gesture that cemented their shared purpose.

He released her to slide his arm around her waist once more. Never, at any point in his life had he gone into battle with a woman next to him yet no real understanding of what he’d be facing once he engaged the enemy.

Chapter Ten

Kiara’s mouth felt stuffed with cotton as she stared at what had to be the closed doors of Julio’s bedroom. Her wolf senses told her the enemy lay beyond. They’d put three female wolves within as bait for their trap.