How are we going to battle Julio and Glissane’s combined wave power?

Chapter Nine

Safe within Kiara’s security spell, Warren flew her slowly in the direction of the refuge. Fergus would meet up with them later when he’d seen his diversion force back to his Gordion compound.

Kiara’s voice entered his mind. We need to get those women out of there, but what will we do about Julio’s wave power? Or Glissane’s? Or however the two of them are creating their takeover method?

Warren had been thinking about little else from the time he’d seen Glissane. His battle-ready mind had started forging a strategy to break into Julio’s half-built compound, take his drugged-out force down, and rescue the women the bastard had chained up in his bedroom.

But the major difficulty remained: Julio and Glissane’s bizarre wave power.

It’s hard to know how to combat the inexplicable. But you and I together might be able to figure this one out.

Are you thinking about your storm power? Kiara used her levitation to adjust her arm around his waist so that she held him tighter still. The small movement improved his flight trajectory.

His first thought went to their recent lovemaking and how his storm had manifested. Sex wasn’t the only time in recent days he’d experienced a surge of power because of his storm. He recalled trying to subdue a shifter high on emerald flame. Lightning had traveled along the surface of his arms and shoulders, igniting a new level of battling power. After that, he’d brought the out-of-control wolf down quickly.

The memory brought a brief awakening of his new skillset and electricity flowed through his body once more, though in a soft wave.

An idea began to form.

A wave. Kiara produced her own kind of wave as well.

I felt that. Kiara’s voice was gentle in his head and eased the faint storm sensations away.

Did I hurt you?

No, not at all. I like your storm power. Something about my witchness loves it as you well know.

He smiled and squeezed her waist. I do know.

When they reached the edge of the security spell, he slowed to a stop then floated midair. His idea took greater shape. Let me try something.

Go for it. A very wolf-like response from the witch.

He chose to access his emerging warlock abilities while at the same time tapping into his storm. He forced himself to relax since the two parts of his power seemed at odds with each other.

Kiara grew very still as well. He focused on the strange connection he had to her.

Kiara. Storm. Warlock.

The three elements converged and something within his mind shifted around like the locking mechanism of a powerful bank vault. The security spell revealed itself like the violet and green web he’d witnessed before only with much more detail.

He realized he could forge a hole in the web and pass through if he wanted.

Kiara gave his waist a squeeze the way he had.

He glanced down at her and she smiled up at him. You see it, don’t you?

He nodded. It’s beautiful. I saw a portion of it earlier, now I see it like a domed web that surrounds your property.

Her smile broadened. Take us through, wolf.

Not so much a wolf right now. But he chuckled then shook his head. He couldn’t believe this was happening, his connection to Elegance Territory. He could never become a true warlock or wizard, but with Kiara so close he could tap into her abilities then make them his own.

Though he’d already been able to pass through, now he had full control of the spell. He carefully extended his hand toward the web and as though drawing back a curtain, he slid a portion of the green and violet filaments aside. With a quick forward motion, he pulled himself and Kiara through. Once beyond the security spell, he turned around and watched the spell heal the breach. The refuge was secure once more.

He flew her swiftly to the front porch and touched down for an easy landing. Setting her on her feet, he was reluctant to release her, so he held her in a loose embrace. “You did great.”