Warren waved three forward. Kiara started instructing them. Each nodded. Three powerful wolf officers grabbed hold of her arms. Muffled shouts of pain followed then they all disappeared.

Kiara’s voice was in his head. We’re taking off. Can you see us?

Not even a little.

The next thirty seconds were painful as he waited. Three wolves safe. Sixteen to go.

Kiara reappeared. “Let me try four this time.”

Warren shoved the next four up the stairs. “Do as she says.” No one argued.

He could hear gunfire now inside the building. He had to take action or Julio’s forces would find them trapped on the stairs. As he ran down, he issued orders for everyone to obey Kiara to the letter.

He grabbed two officers he trusted. “We’ll defend the station until everyone is out.”

Roberts joined them, pulling his rifle in front of him.

Warren saw the set of chin and that fur now lined his cheeks in thin arrows. Roberts hadn’t served in regular border patrol work for years, but he’d do.

He had the two officers head to the rear exit and start firing at the door to keep Julio’s forces from coming in that way. Then he and Roberts moved toward the front. Using some filing cabinets as cover, he fired at the three wolves who had breached the main entrance. Each let loose with several rounds. Julio’s men went down.

Both Warren and Roberts sank to the floor as Julio’s outside force started hitting the building again.

He directed his thoughts to Kiara. How we doin’?

I’ve got another four in the air. I’m releasing them now. Two more groups of four, and we’re good. I’m almost at the doorway. Okay, I’m gathering the last group that’s on the stairs. But where are you and the other three?

I’ve got them with me, including Roberts. We’re holding off Julio’s forces.

Okay. I’ll let you know the second I’m heading back.

Warren heard the wolves at the rear exit. They’d kept up a steady fire. He and Roberts hit the doorway once more with a fine spray of bullets. The steel shutters that were supposed to cover the front glass doors now hung at an angle.

When Julio once more started firing at the front of the building, Warren dropped to the floor again.

He crept toward Roberts. “Kiara’s almost ready for us. Let’s fire off a few final rounds then get to the roof.”

When there was a lull in the shooting, they rose up and let loose with another serious hard spray.

“That should do it,” Roberts said.

He took off and Warren followed. On the way, he grabbed the remaining two officers and the four of them raced up the stairs.

Kiara’s voice was in his head again. Almost at the roof.

A few seconds later, he was pounding up the stairs. Kiara was visible and waiting for them. When the four of them were on the landing, she told them to grab hold of her arms and prepare for some hurt.

The next few seconds felt like his entire body was being shoved through barbed wire. All of them shouted from the sudden, swift shards of pain.

But when the cloak surrounded him, she said, “You can let go of my arms, but stick close and follow me. Head straight up.”

Each pair of eyes was fixed to Kiara. The moment she began to rise, each man followed suit. When she moved faster, they tracked with her. She kept rising in a tight line up into the air. In the distance, lightning flashed, and thunder rumbled a few seconds later. But the storm was still at a distance.

Once they were fifty feet up, she drew everyone to a halt. “I’m going to take you out of the shield, but this is going to hurt. Try to keep quiet.” She didn’t say anything else. Instead, she began reversing the process and yet again, it was like getting put through several strands of barbed wire. All four men were cursing in low tones by the time she’d released them from the cloak.

Roberts gestured to the two officers. “You men head home. Now.” The men took off.

Roberts addressed Warren. “I’ll contact the Tribunal about this, though I don’t expect much support.” He turned to Kiara, “You saved our asses tonight.” He gripped her arm. “Thank you.”