Warren huffed a sigh then focused on his steak once more. In between, he sipped his beer.

Five Bridges had always presented problems, but after Fergus had defeated a powerful witch and a snake-like wolf a few months ago, he’d hoped they’d turned a corner. But the drug cartels were more active than ever. When the economy in the human part of the United States suffered, the call for drugs increased. Too many people wanted an escape.

“What I know is this,” Warren said. “Julio and his wizard buddy are after me. They both know if they can kill me and my pack falls, they’ll come after you next with the same incapacitating power they conjured before. Here’s the million-dollar question: Do we know yet how they were able to take over the last two packs?”

Fergus shook his head. “My intel is the same as yours. All we know is that a bizarre wave went through the compound, an energy blast of some kind. The alphas were captured and probably executed, though their bodies were never found. What I don’t get is with so much power, why haven’t Julio and his wizard taken on another of the lesser packs? Why have they gone after you specifically? Why not my pack or anyone else?”

Warren sliced off another chunk of the tender meat. He appreciated that Kiara had seen to his needs in this way. His staff at his compound would have done the same thing. Wolves, especially after battle, needed meat, the bloodier the better. “I don’t know, but I’m beginning to suspect Kiara might be a target as well.”

Fergus scowled. “What do you mean? You’re not suggesting she’s in league with Julio’s wizard.”

“No. God, no. But it would make sense that a man of his power would be aware of Kiara.”

“You think he’s trying to get rid of her?” Fergus asked.

“If she’s protecting me, I think it’s a possibility.”

At that, they both

fell silent.

After a moment, Fergus glanced at the wall next to the table. “She’s used a lot of stone in her burrow. I like it.” He blew the air from his cheeks. “All right, what’s our next move?”

Warren smiled. “I think we get off our asses and go after these pricks.”

A very wolfish growl left Fergus’s throat. “I’m in.”

“In what?” A familiar, feminine voice floated across the dining room.

Warren turned toward the doorway. He was seated with his back to the kitchen, so he could see whoever tried to enter the dining room.

Without thinking, he rose to his feet which caused Fergus to leap to his. A very different thought had him telepathing, You look beautiful.

Her brow puckered slightly. You’ve surprised me, but thank you.

She turned to Fergus. “How’s Mary and your pack? I hope all is well at your compound.”

“Holding steady. I want to personally thank you for what you’ve done for so many wolves and for braving the firefight at Ralph’s club.”

She smiled. “I’d do anything for that wolf. But please, sit down.” She glanced back at the doorway. “Speaking of Ralph, I just had a talk with him and there are a few things he wants to share with you. Is it okay if he comes in? He didn’t want to disturb your conversation.”

Warren nodded. “Of course. But first, how’s Susie doing?”

“She’s good. She’s actually getting her wolves situated. She always served as a counselor to them at the club. The losses they suffered will take some time to process. No question.”

“Sounds like things are progressing well.” He gestured to the door. “Go ahead and bring him in.”

Warren felt her extend her mind toward Ralph. He glanced up at her, wondering again at his connection to the witch. The word ‘profound’ came to mind.

He felt reluctant to sit, though not for reasons of protocol. It occurred to him in another blinding strike of awareness that he was aligned with Kiara in ways that were astounding to him. He drew closer as well.

But she glanced up at him. It might be better if you’re both sitting. Ralph’s in awe. Then she smiled.

For a moment, time drew to a screeching halt. He loved her smile and her surprising presence in his life. Maybe they’d agreed on a stolen season, but for a split-second he wanted to beg her to stay with him forever.

These were hopeless, foolish thoughts, however, and he gave himself a mental shake. He glanced at Fergus then dipped his chin slightly. When he sat down, Fergus joined him. Kiara was right. Two alphas in the same room would be enough to intimidate any lesser-ranking wolf. But Ralph was so low in terms of pack order that both men standing would have caused him distress. The club owner, who had always done right by his wolves, including protecting them, deserved consideration.

Ralph walked in. He’d cleaned up as well, though his sharkskin suit seemed at odds with his new environment. He looked the part of a strip club owner from the black cross earring all the way down to his pointed and very glossy patent leather shoes.