“So is your cock buried inside me.”

He loved how she talked to him. She was unashamed, appreciative, game. She was open.

The warm monsoon rain diminished rapidly then ceased.

“Warren.” Her fingers still trailed over his back.

“What?” He’d almost said, ‘What, my love?’ But he’d caught himself in time.

“I know this is a stolen season,” she said, “But it’s amazing, isn’t it? I mean, we’re doing this together, right? The storms and the waves of power and pleasure? It’s not just you or me?”

He lifted up, levitating so he stayed connected. He wanted to look at her. “Yes. It’s both of us. How we are together.”

“What do you think it means?”

He grinned suddenly. “We have chemistry.”

She laughed. She’d never looked more beautiful. Her eyes were brown once more. He’d come to love their color.

She touched his face. “We should stay blind, you know. Not see too much, not think too much.”

He knew what she meant, what she was suggesting. He could feel it in his bones that if either of them mentally deciphered what was happening right now, they’d both walk away.

He didn’t want to. At least not yet. “We’ll take our stolen season.”

Chapter Seven

Kiara stared down at the stacked-up leathers and tanks, the latest send-over from Mary-via-Fergus. She was especially struck by the pile of socks and three pairs of boots. “What is all this?”

Warren chuckled. “Mary’s hand again.”

Kiara touched the socks. “They’re so soft.”


She turned to him, and felt her brows lift almost to her hairline. “For battling?”

“Why the hell not?” But he was smiling. “It’s a superstition. I was wearing them when I got hurt. Tonya always bought them for me.” He shrugged, but didn’t say anything more.

“I get it. It’s a way to remember the good parts of your life. The human part.”

“I hadn’t thought of it that way, but you’re right. It’s also a talisman.”

Kiara had brought Warren back to her burrow apartment within her invisibility spell. Fortunately, no one had been within the foyer to see the front door magically open and close. She’d never made this part of her witchy skill-set public knowledge. Of course, after recent events, everyone would know.

Wolves were nervous enough around witches as it was. The severely damaged women she brought into her refuge didn’t need yet another reason to distrust their surroundings.

Warren had showered while she’d climbed into the grotto pool and floated off the remains of the battle. The storm had gone a long way to cleaning them both up.

“How are Ralph, Susie and the wolves settling in?” he asked.

She’d been on the phone earlier to check in. “Good. My main therapist has talked to each of them individually and they’ve shared a meal. It’s a beginning. But what happened at the club was a severe, traumatic event. They’ll need time.”

He glanced around. “I still can’t believe all this exists.” He swiped a hand through the air. “Your refuge, I mean.”

“I’m sure you’re still getting used to the idea. Though, right now, I’m grateful I had the foresight, both for your sake and theirs. You’re all safe here.”

His hair was almost dry as he lost the towel and started getting dressed. She took a step back and watched him.