She didn’t need any encouragement as she began to work her hips. He used levitation to keep himself anchored in the water, so she could move over him however she wanted.

He held her gaze as tight as a fist. He loved her dark brown eyes, glittering with passion. Her swollen lips and the soft moans told him how much she was into him.

He touched her breasts and watched her back arch as she rose up and down on his stalk. Her brow grew furrowed with pleasure. He rubbed the palm of his hand over one stiff nipple then the other. He quickened the motion.

Suddenly, the earlier storm power he possessed returned in full. His palm became filled with electrical impulses and she cried out. “Oh, God that feels good. More.”

He wanted to watch her come. He began to thrust into her and deepened his penetration. At the same time, he teased her breasts with the arcs of electricity from his hands.

You’ll make me come like this.

I want to watch you come. He sped up the rock of his hips and as he did, her movements slowed which allowed him to do all the work. She planted her hands on his shoulders and held on.

Her gaze was fixed on him. “I’ve wanted you for so long, to be here, to feel you inside me.” Her voice was low and hoarse, sultry. Her scent was rich in the air, woman and freesias.

“I’m here. Let me do this for you.”

She nodded. He went wolf fast and watched as ecstasy caught her up and forced a series of cries from her mouth. On and on she cried out and moaned, a beautiful sound as her sex gripped his cock and pulsed over and over.

He held back his own pleasure. His mind had already formed a picture of what he wanted to do to her, how he wanted to release inside her.

When the wave crested, and she settled down, he drew her tight against him then eased back to half recline in the water. She was fully relaxed on top of him, her hands dangling in the water.

He smiled when he felt her hands waving beneath them both. “This pool is perfect,” he said.

She heaved a sigh that made them do a soft bounce in the water. “You’re perfect.”

He caressed her back. Is that what she really thought of him?

He was far from perfect. Hell, he was the opposite of it. But he liked she’d said it anyway. A little delusion never hurt anyone.

As he held her, he heard something inside his soul, like the ringing of a bell, a low, sonorous sound that sent odd vibrations through his heart. He recognized the sensation as a kind of longing he hadn’t acknowledged in years.

He held her tighter.

That feels so good, Warren, your arms around me, I mean.

He loved her in his mind. This pool is amazing. You’re amazing.

She embraced him then drew back to look at him. He loved how, with levitation, he could support them both in the water.

She stroked his cheek with the back of her fingers. “Do you know that you’re smiling?”

“I guess I am.”

She smiled as well. “I have a question for you.” He liked the playful curve of her lips.

“What’s that?”

She kissed him and once more her voice was in his head. The woman had power. How do you want to come? That’s what I want to know.

His cock twitched inside her. He was still firm, a state he was often in just being around her. Having his cock buried deep felt as natural as breathing.

“It’s better if I show you.” He drew out of her, but still held her close.

At that, she all but grinned. “Sounds good to me.”

As he levitated out of the water, she remained stretched out on top of him. He held her tight then lifted them both to an upright position. He now hovered above the pool. “Good thing you made the ceiling tall.”