“Set them right there, at the end of the counter. We’ll see to them. And whatever you need, Alpha Warren, yours to ask.”

He nodded in return. He always expected deference from any wolf he encountered. His rank afforded him that right. But her sincerity told him she respected him as well.

Kiara, beer bottles in hand, added her thanks. After setting the bottles near the plates, she led him back through the dining room.

Once again in the foyer, he thought she would take him back to the hallways he’d seen earlier. Instead, she moved toward the fountain to the right. That’s when he spotted a much smaller hall. “You have your own quarters.”

“I needed the privacy. I also have extra security in this space as well.”

He wondered if she brought her lovers here. But the idea she’d had other men in her apartment brought a growl rumbling in his throat. A fine layer of shifter fur rose on his cheekbones and the backs of his hands.

“Are you growling?” She turned toward him, her large brown eyes startled and wide. She took in the state of his fur.

“Yes.” He didn’t want to admit why.

She glanced around, frowning. “Do you sense danger?”

He caught her arm. “No. It’s not that.” Even though it was no business of his, he had to know the truth. “Do you bring men here?”

At that, she burst out laughing. “No, Warren. No men. I know, it’s lame, but I just haven’t been interested.”

Was she interested in him? Would she date him if he asked? “Why don’t you see men?” he asked quietly.

“Again, not much interested. I’ve been busy with my rescue work.”

Her lips were parted as she stared back at him. He wasn’t sure what she was thinking until he caught her rich freesia scent once more. It was laced with desire and a depth of need that had him hardening.

She glanced at his hold on her arm and she drew in a long, deep breath.

He realized where he had hold of her was alive with electric sparks that came off his palm. From that connection desire flowed like nothing he’d experienced before. What was happening between them seemed to ignite his storm and his doubts about her returned. Kiara was a witch. Nothing could change that and a witch had hurt him badly once. He didn’t trust the alters of Elegance Territory.

As though comprehending the direction of his thoughts, she said, “I have additional security protecting my apartment because I have a spellroom just off the living area and across from my bedroom. I know you have every right to be suspicious of my kind. If I were in your shoes, I would be the same way. But I promise you that whatever witch-like things I undertake, while you’re here, I’ll discuss with you first. How does that sound?”

Extremely considerate and he began to relax once more. “Sounds good. I appreciate it.”

She seemed nervous suddenly and lowered her voice. “Warren,” she began. She even swallowed hard. “Well, I suppose I should give you a choice here. I can set you up in your own room, if you want. But I was hoping you’d stay with me, through the day I mean.”

Once more, he took hold of her arm and again the electric impulses popped from his palm to her skin. She even gasped.

God, he wanted this with her. Would his storm come alive during sex?

It didn’t help that his alpha needs were cycling strong right now. “I want to be here, with you. But that means we share your bed.”

“All day?”


A shudder ran through her and her flowery scent grew stronger still. “All day. Good.”

When he released her arm, she turned back down the short, private hall then suddenly vanished right in front of him. Had she cloaked herself again? If so, why? If not, where the hell had she gone?

She reappeared abruptly. “Sorry about that. It’s my security spell.” She took his hand and there it was, her apartment. Her door was wide-open as well.

When he moved inside, she closed the door then he heard a dead-bolt slide home.

He took a long look around, but couldn’t exactly make his feet move. He was too stunned. “What am I looking at?” This woman was full of surprises.

“What can I say? I like to lounge, and I wanted colorful lights over the ceiling. Too much?”