Pleasure flowed, and his wolf-bonding hormones flooded his body. She opened herself fully to his wolf then everything he was as a man, and as a wolf, flowed into her.

Ecstasy rose and crested. She cried out in real time and in the fantasy. He roared as well. The bond locked into place.

As the fantasy disintegrated, he opened his eyes and saw that hers glowed with a beautiful silver light. Only this time her eyes were rimmed with gold. She was his. She belonged to him. She was his alpha-mate.

“I love you, Kiara, and I bind myself body and soul to you forever.”

“And I, you.”

He would have kissed her, but right at that moment Glissane arrived and shattered Kiara’s security spell.

~ ~ ~

When Kiara had passed out, her last view had been of Warren knocked flat by Glissane.

Now she was fully bonded to Warren and nothing could have felt better than her new connection to him.

Or more powerful.

She watched as Glissane descended slowly into the small, private space in the middle of the pine forest. His nostrils flared. The wizard was furious.

He glanced from one to the other. “You’ve forged a bond. But, how? You couldn’t have had time to…consummate the act.”

Now standing beside Warren, she slid her hand into his. They were one and her entire body was attuned to his. Her thoughts pressed up against his mind and it would take so little to converse telepathically with him. Yet, somehow, it didn’t seem necessary.

Neither she nor Warren responded to Glissane’s question. Instead, Warren asked, “What do you want, wizard? I’ve never understood. Why bother with Savage Territory or the drug trade?”

Kiara watched a slow smile curve Glissane’s lips. “Power is an addictive substance, more than any drug. I wanted Savage, then Five Bridges.

“Julio and I had plans. Well, I had plans. Julio was happy for me to use him because I promised him control of the drug trade in Savage. He would have risen in the cartel ranks which was all he cared about.”

Kiara wanted the truth confirmed on another subject as well. “You used Tonya, didn’t you?”

Glissane shifted his coal-gaze to her. “Yes, but she wasn’t the most willing host. Apparently, she loved Warren even while demented.”

Glissane was a man without a conscience, without the smallest distress that he caused others pain. In fact, she was sure he fed off that pain.

Because of her bond with Warren, she sensed that together, they might be able to rid Five Bridges of a terrible scourge.

Or they would die trying.

She felt Warren rev up his storm power. At the same time, she experienced a companion vibration within her own body. Besides being a witch, she now fully understood what it was to be a wolf even if she would never actually shift. She could sense the needs of the pack within her like a constant series of thoughts, one after the other. It was beautiful and amazing.

She opened that part of her to Warren and just like that, his storm ability began to glide into her, very quietly and quickly, until she was full of the same power.

In a similar way, she engaged her formidable wave power and she felt these abilities drift into Warren. They were both now storm and wave combined.

Glissane set his jaw as he, too, began to engage his battle power, a ferocious wave ability that outmatched Kiara’s. Except now, she shared that ability with Warren and she could summon her storm as well.

When Warren slid behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, she knew exactly what he was doing. The bond was secure, and she could read his intentions as though they were her own.

Glissane crouched and snarled. He brought the darkest part of his wizardness forward. His black eyes turned into deep pits. “You think you can match me? Either of you?”

“No,” Kiara said. “Not on our own. But we’re a team now as you and Julio once were, though much more complete.”

Her storm power surged as did Warren’s. A wind rose like a tornado in their small piece of the forest. It blew in a violent circle around the three of them.

For the first time, Gliss