“Got to be honest,” he said, “I was hoping you’d say that. But if you need some space, it’s okay.”

Her smile broadened. “What I want is you, with me, here and now.”

As she continued to undress, he started as well, beginning with his boots. He was moving fast so that by the time she’d gotten rid of her bra and panties, he was naked as well.

He went into the shower first and set three of the heads to flowing, adjusting the temp on each. When he was satisfied, he waved her in.

She slid beneath the central rain showerhead and let the warm water flow over her. “Heaven.” She murmured. “What would we do without hot running water?”

“Amen to that.”

She closed her eyes and savored.

She felt Warren’s foot as it bumped hers, then his backside against her arm. The sensations made her happy.

She heard him rubbing a bar of soap between his palms. When he moved in behind her, she sighed with contentment. His hands came next, creamy with soap as he covered both her breasts and began to massage.

His touch was perfection. “More heaven.”

She opened her eyes and turned to face him. He continued to fondle her, then leaned close and kissed her, a full wet kiss on her already wet lips. When he drew back, she met his gaze and loved that she could see both of his eyes. It made her happy that their relationship had eased the scars back and allowed him to see.

As he continued to palm her breasts and soap her chest, she rose up on her tip-toes and kissed his eyelids, one after the other. “I’m so happy that your eye is healing, Warren. For your restored sight alone, what we’ve gone through over the past two nights has been totally worth it.”

He kissed her again and started soaping all the way down her arms. “I can see clearly, and it is a damn miracle. I’ve had several good witches try to heal me, but nothing worked. So, thank you.”

She took the bar of soap from the wall inset where Warren had put it and began creating her own mound of foam. “It’s us, Warren, not just me. Together, we’ve somehow helped each other because my scars have smoothed out to a large extent as well, but I wasn’t able to heal them before. Not even a little.”

He pulled back and glanced at her breasts and abdomen. “That goes to show how male I am. All I saw and felt were your breasts.”

She laughed. “But look.” She held her arms wide and he took in the diminished scarring.

He traced some of the silvery lines. “You’re right. I’d say it’s gone by half.”

“I think so, too.”

He squeezed her breasts. “It doesn’t matter how the job got done. I’m grateful.”

“Me, too.” She looked him up and down and with her hands foamy, she said, “Let’s trade positions.”

She moved to the side of him. He did the same and slipped under the hot overhead stream. “Damn that feels good.”

She gave him a minute of just enjoying the water before she put her hands on his muscles. Since he was pushing his hair back, she could do nothing but admire the strength of his chest and arms, the rippled appearance of his abs, and the taut lines that angled down his groin. His cock was in a beautiful state of partial arousal. She loved the look. It wasn’t at full-attention, but angled in a downward slant.

She started at his shoulders. Just as she’d done, he leaned back and enjoyed the stream of water while she massaged his muscles. Every part of him was built and hard. Just feeling the contours of his body made her ache between her legs. Yet it was more than that. Her heart felt warm and beat in a steady rh

ythm that echoed his name, Warren. Warren. Warren.

She knew she loved him down to the depths of her soul. She settled her head over his sternum, so she could hear his heart, not caring if the soap on his pecks got on her face.

It beat the sound she loved and spoke his name, Warren, Warren.

I’m so grateful for this time with you.

Me, too. He surrounded her with his arms and held her tight. Are you very tired? I guess what I’m asking is if I should put you to bed and let you rest.

She craned her neck to look up at him. “I’m not that tired.”

His smile was crooked. “Good. I want you looking up at my ceiling because I’m feeling hungry.”