She nodded in a slow, wolf-like manner.

“What was that wave you used on me just now? I’ve felt it before with you.”

“This is the first time I’ve employed it, but I believe it’s the same ability Glissane has. He uses Julio to magnify his wave power. They’ve probably already subdued everyone in the complex by now.”

Instinctively, he knew his storm power could do what nothing else could in

this situation, but he would need Kiara’s help. He wasn’t sure how it would all work, but they had to try. He released one of her hands but continued holding the other as he drew close to the steel door once more.

Glissane’s trap had been hellishly clever.

“How do we do this? How do you use your wave power to amplify my storm abilities?”

“I need to be behind you,” she said.

When she planted her hands on his waist, he covered her hands with his own. He focused every particle of his being on his storm ability, an emerging power he had no real experience trying to manage.

He felt Kiara press her forehead into his back. The connection of both hands and her forehead had a strange effect. It seemed to build deep within his chest, yet it came from his soul at the same time.

Power began to flow, and the familiar wind rushed over and around both of them like a tornado. He moved his hands from hers and planted his palms flat again the steel.

The wind moved faster.

Lightning flashed. Thunder rumbled. His feet lifted off the floor. Kiara moved with him. They were one. Locked together.

“Use your wave power when I say.”

Even over the wind and thunder he heard her draw deep breaths. She pressed herself against him now and wrapped her arms around his waist.

He could sense her strange, witch power building.

He let the storm come and held nothing back. From this moment he was no longer just a wolf. He was a warlock with powers he didn’t understand. He was lightning, thunder and wind. He was a storm.

He felt her wave ability reach its peak.

“Now, Kiara.”

When she released her wave energy, no doubt in the same mold as Glissane’s, it enveloped his storm. The tornado that flew around them coalesced in a forward rush of power that took the wall in front of them apart. The steel door, with its massive weight and density ripped the attached drywall and two-by-fours out of their cement mooring and crashed to the floor beyond.

In the wake of their experience, a calming wind blew through the entire area.

He drew Kiara toward him and extended his boot. She quickly threw her arm around his neck then perched on his foot. With his arm tight around her waist, he began to fly. He had no expectation of facing a single firearm.

He flew down the long hall, but the moment he reached the first communal area, a chill passed through him. Several pack wolves lay inert and unconscious.

He flew up the stairs to the ground floor and found the same thing. All the wolves, including Julio’s forces, had passed out. He headed down the hall then to the entry. The doors were wide open, so he flew straight out into the parking lot where even more wolves lay scattered everywhere, including on top of some of the vehicles. Fergus’s men, and maybe Fergus, too, had fallen out of the sky.

He stopped at the edge of the sidewalk and with Kiara still tight against his side, he began to rise slowly, scanning the area.

They have to be nearby, Kiara said.

I don’t see Fergus.

Maybe they’ve taken him somewhere. Rise higher.

Warren ascended slowly. When he was thirty feet above the parking lot, he suddenly felt Glissane’s presence like a cold shock to his system.

He’s here. Kiara’s voice trembled within his mind.