She levitated beside him. Both moved faster now and with no one on the stairs, they zipped down to the third level.

Again, to the right, he saw offices and a command center. Through the glass walls, he was able to see a room full of monitors. Bingo.

The door, however, was closed. Kiara drew up beside him as he paused outside the glass partition. Looks like we may have to wait.

Not my strong suit, but I think you’re right. He backed them up to the cement wall opposite.

I have an idea, she said. How about a small diversion, maybe get somebody to open the door so we can slip inside.

He glanced at her and felt his lips curve. What do you have in mind?

I could step out of the cloak and flash ‘em.

His lips instantly curled back and his nose elongated. He felt fur rise on the lines of his lengthening cheeks. Hell, no. He released her hand, turned into her and grabbed both shoulders. Don’t even joke about it.

He looked down at her breasts and wasn’t surprised when she arched her back a little to give him an even better view. She wore a tank cut low enough to reveal the upper swells of her breasts. He couldn’t help that he salivated.

You’d better knock it off with the wolf displays or I might make you take me right here, against this very firm wall. She smiled and arched a little more.

As had happened before, her attitude stopped him in his tracks. He’d gone wolf because she’d joked about showing her breasts to a roomful of men in order to create a diversion. But the moment he’d drawn his lips back and growled, she was right with him, despite the nature of the situation. He loved it.

He took a few deep breaths and brought himself under control. When his wolf-signs were gone, he said, We’d better just focus, but I like the idea of creating a diversion. He glanced down the hall. They’ve made a mistake. There isn’t a single security camera angled down this hall. If I shot up some of these lights, I’d bet that would get these wolves out of their seats.

I like it. But you know we’d have to leave the spell to take action.

Are you sure? Because I can remember being able to touch you at the Border Patrol Station.

She frowned slightly. Though I haven’t explored it fully, there’s an occasional disconnect. Sometimes I can use my phone. Sometimes I can’t. Once I was carrying my purse and dropped it, but I couldn’t retrieve it until I left the shield. I definitely don’t want to take chances when a weapon is fired.

He nodded. All right. But when I take the shots, we’ll have to slip right back in.

Yup. Can you do it without yipping in pain? That fast, I mean?

He snorted. You know I’ve got the hang of it now.


He drew her farther down the hall toward the dead-end. There was another door that had the word ‘Storage’ on the outside. They were now out-of-range of the security room. No one could see them and they wouldn’t get caught in a traffic jam.

He drew his Glock. This should do. He met and held her gaze. Be ready to cover your ears.

Got it.

He took a stance with his pistol aimed at a light well beyond the security room and at least twenty feet from where they stood. Take us out of the shield.

No yipping.

You’re going to piss me off if you keep that up. But he smiled. Though he remained alert and was prepared to fire, he let his internal senses relax.

She placed her hand on his back and he felt the now familiar wrenching sensation as she twisted their small piece of time-and-space.

He felt their visibility as though it was a tangible thing. He fired off three quick shots and the fluorescent light fixture exploded.

I’m pulling us back in.

Again, he relaxed, the twisting sensation tugged at him, then once more they were tucked into the shield. He holstered his weapon as the door slammed open and three wolves ran into the hall.

He hurried toward the door and held it just long enough to get himself inside with Kiara right behind him. The wolves in the hall raced past the shattered glass, weapons drawn. One of them called out orders to the others.