He laughed once more and slapped the doorframe. But before he left, he said, “And please, objectify me all you want.” He growled softly then disappeared.

It was the growl that did her in. Her knees buckled, she slid straight down the wall and landed on her ass.

He’d given her permission to objectify him.

If she focused hard enough, maybe she could hold the line with herself, take the pleasure of the moment, then leave when it was time.

He could never take a witch for an alpha-mate and there was no way in hell she wanted that kind of permanent bond with any man, not here, not in the wasteland known as Five Bridges. There was too much death all around her. If she got too close to Warren, and anything happened to him, she didn’t think she could bear it.

~ ~ ~

While Warren ate his thick porterhouse, burned on the outside and blood red within, he kept his gaze fixed to the wolf who’d saved his life so many years ago. Fergus had gone back to his compound and cleaned up as well. His hair was still damp though held back in several braids and a clasp.

He peered at Warren’s face. “I can’t get over this change. Both eyes are open. Your scarring looks better, too.”

Warren set his knife down and rubbed the formerly scarred lid. “Kiara’s been having an effect, being this close to her, I mean.”

“She’s healing you?”

“It seems to be a joint effort. Some of her scars look better, too. Neither of us knows what’s going on.” He picked up his knife again and went back to work. For all that they’d been doing, especially engaging his storm power, he needed food.

Fergus shook his head. He looked bewildered as he glanced around the dining room. “This is some set-up she’s created here, in Savage, without any of us knowing. I can’t fathom how she did it and I’m not sure I like the secrecy.”

“I don’t either, but I can hardly argue with the results.”

“How many wolves has she rescued and shuttled out of the territory for rehab?” Fergus had taken a meal with his men at the Gordion compound.

“Over three hundred to-date.”



His fellow alpha, leader of the Gordion Pack, then relayed the latest recon on Warren’s compound. The number of Julio’s spies had now doubled since the battle at Ralph’s club. “He’s still after you. Everything in order at Caldion?”

Warren sipped his beer then nodded. “Spoke to Alessandro before you arrived. He’s got it locked down. No one in. No one out.” Warren then smiled. “Except for your men to pick up my socks, apparently.”

But Fergus didn’t laugh. Instead, he was scowling. “Good thing you built a fortress over there.”

His comment sobered Warren. His severe introduction to Five Bridges and facing death within the first week of his alter transformation had given him an equally tough view of their world. A fortress seemed a given once Warren had become alpha of the pack.

Now Julio was making a play for the entire territory. If the Gordion Pack fell, it wouldn’t be long before Julio managed to take over all the packs. “The situation with Julio has gone on long enough.”

“I agree. My pack is feeling the threat as well. Many of my wolves wake up in the middle of the day howling. But I have a question for you. What’s with the invisible thing? I’m happy as hell Kiara possesses a skill that saved so many people, but what else has she been doing? Has she been spying on all of us and how many other spellcasters from Elegance can do this?”

“Not many.” He chewed slower. “We both think a wizard has backed Julio’s play.”

Fergus drummed his fingers on the table. “That would explain a lot.”

“Yes, it would.”

“So, why would a wizard be here? What’s his game? This is Savage Territory, not Elegance. The Tribunal wouldn’t let a wizard set up shop permanently in another territory.”

“He could if he remains invisible and Julio makes a superb puppet.”


“You got that right.”