He looked away. “Not sure why I did. We’ve been through some stuff the last couple of nights, though. It felt right.” But he was frowning.

She grabbed his hand. “Let’s get out of here.”

His frown deepened to a scowl. He glanced toward the house then back to her. “What do you mean? Shouldn’t we see to your wolves?”

“I have a competent staff that is taking good care of them. How would you feel about shifting right now? And running? I’ve heard some wolves are so powerful, they can carry a passenger.”

His brows rose and something like hope darted through his green eyes. Without giving it a thought, she leaned up and kissed him on the lips, a quick, firm kiss.

Still holding his hand, she nodded and smiled. “Come on, Warren. Let’s do this. Just a little bit of fun in the middle of all this nightmare stuff. I can hide us both in my spell and you can run anywhere you like. No one will see either of us. And, frankly, I’d like a ride. I’ve been wanting one for ages.”

This time, he smiled for real and the frown eased from his brow. “You sure you want a ride?”

“Hell, yeah.” It was odd to think she’d had this particular fantasy about Warren. It wasn’t the usual thing, to climb on a shifter’s back and enjoy his run. Of course, in the privacy of her bedroom fantasy world, a jaunt on Warren’s back usually ended in a bout of wild, wolf sex. But she wouldn’t tell him that.

Instead, she knew this was what he needed, to let loose and go wolf for a while.

He planted his hands on her hips which gave her permission to ease her palms over the swell of his biceps. She tingled head-to-foot just touching him and his wolf-storm scent rose to fill her nostrils.

She knew he was teasing her with his ‘ride’ quip, but she wanted to make sure he knew she was game. She lowered her voice and held his gaze. “Take me for a ride through the forest, then I want the other ride on my bed, or anywhere else for that matter. How does that sound?”

“What if it rains?”

“I don’t care.”

His smile angled off to the side. “Then I’d say it sounds perfect.”

“Let me get us cloaked.” She closed her eyes and this time she could feel he was completely relaxed.

As she invoked the spell, summoning her witch power, she felt the air rearrange itself around her. The density felt just right.

She opened her eyes, her hands still fixed to his warm arms. She met his gaze. “No pain that time?”


“Good. You’ve definitely figured it out.”

When he started to rise into the air, she joined him, grateful her levitation ability matched his.

She switched to telepathy. Do you have a favorite place to run?

I do, but there will be wolves everywhere.

It shouldn’t matter.

He caught her around the waist and guided her up through the security spell.

Wait a minute. Warren, you didn’t have any trouble at all, did you? Passing through my spell I mean. Could you see it?

I could. It has a faint purple-and-green aura.

It does, and I’m amazed. Your warlock abilities are growing.

His smile grew crooked. Looks like it, but mostly I’m a wolf. And you’re sure about that ride?

More than anything. He held out his arm. She hopped onto his booted foot and let him take her away from the security spell.

Once more, Kiara’s heart pounded heavily in her chest. She suddenly understood exactly what was happening between them because Maeve had shared her recent bonding experience with her. Maeve, very much a witch, had discovered she was alpha-mate material so that when she rescued Braden from the Graveyard, her proximity to the powerful wolf had ignited Maeve’s capacity to become an alpha female to Braden’s wolf.