He glanced at her and saw that her gaze was fixed to his bare chest. Without giving it a thought he did a very male thing and flexed his pecs for her.

Her gaze shot to his and her cheeks colored up. She smiled, shook her head then lifted her mug to her lips once more. Her voice hit his mind. You shouldn’t be so built. It would help a lot.

The compliment, especially coming from her, brought a smile to his own lips.

Of course, a dragging sensation on his heart quickly followed. He realized how much she pleased him. The fact she’d offered him a compliment when she’d been embarrassed, was the part of her personality his wolf really loved. She didn’t hold back.

He heard his cell-phone through the muffled clothes now folded up on the bench at the foot of the bed. She was on her feet instantly and said, “Don’t get up.”

He glanced at the sheet covering his lower body and he smiled again. He understood. If she saw more, she’d be tempted. She headed to the bench, fished out his cell then tossed it to him.

He caught it easily in his hand, checked the face then frowned. “It’s Ralph. Of all the people I expected to hear from this evening, Ralph wasn’t one of them.”

Warren liked Ralph because he treated his female sex workers, all wolves, with kindness. Though he was a warlock, he protected them, never allowed rough treatment and had set up several of them with human protectors who pretty much kept them as mistresses and therefore out of harm’s way. It wasn’t ideal, but the women were safe.

Ralph kept a wolf mistress as well, a woman named Susie who had been his partner for the past three years. She was one of the females he’d rescued from another club where the owner was known to hurt his workers. When she’d come to Ralph, love had struck hard. Of course, it helped that the warlock had a fetish for wolves. Warren’s own attraction to a witch had given him a new understanding of the need to engage with another species.

Beyond that, Ralph was an excellent businessman. He paid his workers well and kept violence out of his club by employing some of the most physically powerful bouncers on the Savage Strip. No one touched Ralph.

By the time he swiped the front of the phone to answer, however, the call had already gone to voicemail. As he waited to hear the message, he watched Kiara return to her chair, sit down then pick up her mug once more. She kicked off her flats then lifted a heel. She bent her leg to plant her foot on the edge of the seat. Another thing he liked about her. The witch was limber.

He listened to the voice message. When he had a minute, Ralph wanted him to call. He was concerned about rumors that Julio was planning a takeover of several of the clubs in the near future. He’d also heard he’d been targeted.

When the message ended, Warren chose not to call him back right away. He’d heard the rumors as well. After events of last night, he suspected Julio had launched a major campaign against Savage that would probably include dominating the Strip.

But he wanted to talk to Fergus first. They needed to put a plan together to go on the offensive starting tonight.

He told Kiara the gist of Ralph’s call.

“How about a meal before you get going?” she offered. “The staff is ready when we are. Also, Fergus contacted me about a half hour ago. Roberts let him know what happened last night and where you were. He wanted to make sure you had what you needed.” She gestured toward the bathroom. “He sent some clothes over and I had one of my wolves intercept outside the spelled perimeter. Your gear is in the dressing room.” He’d noticed the door earlier inside the bathroom, but off to the left.

“Fergus sent it over, huh?” Warren chuckled then sipped his coffee.

“Why are you smiling?”

“Fergus would never have thought of sending my clothes over on his own.”

“Mary?” she asked.

“Yup. This has her considerate nature written all over it. And yes, a meal would be best. I also want to get some things lined up with Fergus first before I contact Ralph. I’m going to ask him to come over in a few.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

Once he’d put on fresh leathers and the black, green-trimmed tank of his pack, he joined Kiara in the dining room. Other wolves were there as well, and each offered him a respectful nod. More than one, however, lifted a surprised brow presumably because his left eye was now open. He was used to the stares, but the current reason made him smile. Dammit, he could see with both eyes.

He returned each deferential dip of the chin. He was more formal than most alphas. It was just his way. Maybe if his alter life had been less complex or if he hadn’t felt so powerful a burden to see to the safety of the entire territory, he might have relaxed his somber demeanor.

As he ate the Spanish omelet chef had prepared for the refuge’s first meal, he half expected Kiara to tease him. Instead, she seemed equally as somber, though it wasn’t her go-to attitude. She was generally more light-hearted.

What gives? There were enough people around that he didn’t want the personal question out there for anyone to hear.

She spread boysenberry jam on a slice of toast and offered a slight shrug of her shoulders. Ralph’s call, I guess.

You think it’s unusual?

She took a bite as she met his gaze. Actually, I do. It’s possible he’s sensing something in the air and reacting to it. He knows what’s going on up and down the Strip better than any other club owner.

Warren nodded several times. I’ll make it a priority right after I talk to Fergus.