> His voice was low and almost hoarse even within her mind as he responded, It’s extraordinary, as though I’m in every part of you.

You are.

I won’t last long. Are you close? He thrust his tongue hard. His hips slammed into her.

So close. She was breathing hard, stroking his shoulders and arms, squeezing his muscles. Thunder rumbled. The wind whipped over her.

He moved faster. Stronger. Deeper.

The electrical sensations grabbed her sex. Oh, God, I’m coming.

As she began to orgasm, pleasure flowed as though the storm pulsed inside her and outside her at the same time. She knew she was shouting. As ecstasy rained down on her, it was everything she’d hoped for and a thousand times more.

Warren shouted with her then slowed his hips, but he didn’t stop moving into her. The wind kept blowing and electrical impulses began to tease her sex all over again.

She could feel he was going to come a second time and her body was ready.

He looked down at her. “Can you come again?”

“Yes. God, yes.” This time, she spread her arms wide as he began to pummel her. She arched her back then her throat. He leaned over her and angled his head. He began to lick her neck in long wolf-like swipes.

Then he opened his maw wide and took hold of her, biting firmly. She felt a wolf-like howl form in her throat.

Once more the lightning invaded her sex, streaking through her until she was crying out again. Ecstasy pulsed in hot, fiery streams. A series of cries left her throat. Tears flowed from her eyes.

All around her the storm raged in the most beautiful array of gold, and violet then flashes of green, and silver-white.

Warren was still hard inside her. But as he let go of her throat, he rose up and arched his neck. He howled, lusty sounds that had her clenching again. He drove fast and hard and as he came another wave of pleasure tore through her. Again, she wanted to howl with him.

He kept driving into her until she knew he’d released the last of his seed. He began to slow then finally his hips grew quiet. His arms were fully extended, back and neck arched. The storm he’d created began to recede.

The air smelled like the sweet scent of a rain-drenched forest.



She slowly fondled his powerful arms, looking up at him, at the lines of light-colored fur on his cheeks, his throat and extending in a V down his chest. She loved it and took a moment to run her fingers through the fine hairs.

Warren then eased down on top of her and grew very relaxed. She caressed his thick, muscled shoulders. “I don’t know what that was, but I want to do it at least a thousand more times.”

He chuckled then heaved a sigh. “I still don’t understand this storm thing.”

His hair was dry now as was hers. She dragged her fingers down the full length all the way to the middle of his back. “You. The storm was you.”

“I guess. Maybe.” He shook his head, but his lips curved. Another unusual smile.


“A grotto, a storm, your wave of power. Surprising.”

As she surveyed her bedroom, whatever the storm phenomenon was between them, everything remained perfectly in place.

Kiara smiled. “Fitting, I think. You are a storm, in Savage, I mean. Without all that you do, the twelve main packs would have fallen a long time ago.”

He was still buried inside her and she was in no hurry to have him leave her body.

He responded, “And you’re a beautiful, deep grotto. I could stay here forever.” He arched his hips to let her feel him a little more.