“I think I need to head home now.”

“But I don’t want you to go.”

Mary saw the panicked look in Fergus’s eyes. She also sensed how much he wanted her to stay, which tore at her heart. “I don’t want to leave, either. But it’s time.”

Her gaze drifted over his thick black mane, almost dry now, and the broad shoulders she enjoyed so much. Affection for him swirled through her chest. She didn’t want to leave, but she couldn’t stay, not when he’d built an impenetrable steel door keeping her out.

She forced herself to turn away from him and settled her suitcase on the bed. Earlier, Fergus’s wolves had unpacked everything for her. She had to admit he’d built a wonderful community.

“Please don’t go, Mary.” His voice went straight through her as she unzipped the small bag.

She didn’t look at him as she said, “You’re back where you belong and well-guarded. I don’t think I’m needed any longer.”

“Don’t you want to be here? With me? I thought we’d be together through the day, share the same bed.”

She glanced at him. He was frowning again. She’d never seen a man frown harder than Fergus had over the past few minutes. “I don’t think it’s wise,” she said quietly. “I get why Sharon was so unhappy. You’re completely shut off right now but you don’t see it. I’m not trying to find fault, Fergus. I just think it’s an alpha-wolf thing and I’m not a wolf.”

“Sharon was a wolf. She should have understood.”

“Maybe, but she’d also been your wife while you were both human. She’d known you in a completely different and probably much more satisfying context. I’ve known you as my lover and a man who needed my help.

“Right now you’ve stopped being either of those things and part of you is completely closed off from me. I was so caught up in the passion of our relationship, I just didn’t see it before. Now the fae in me can see little else. I would be doing a disservice to us both if I stayed.”

She went to the dresser and drew out a fresh pair of jeans, a thong, one of her favorite purple bras and a light green t-shirt. When she headed into the bathroom, she shut the door to change. She needed some space.

The other negligees still hung nearby, draped over the counter. The Gordion Pack had made an effort for her. She’d never forget their kindness.

She was stunned how things had turned out, but she had to believe it was for the best. She’d gained something extraordinary from her brief time with Fergus; she was now part wolf. What her faeness had given him, she couldn’t imagine or even how her new wolf would be of benefit to her in Revel.

Slowly, she took off the black lace negligee and replaced it on the hanger. She fingered the lace. Fergus had created a spirit of giving in his pack. She’d miss getting to be part of the group.

She put on her clothes and once

more brushed out her hair.

Without warning, Sharon appeared, sitting on the counter with her knees crossed. So, you’re leaving?

Mary jumped, then released a huff of air and rolled her eyes. You’re back. I wish you’d give me some warning. But yes, I’m leaving. It’s time. Did you hear any of that?

Of course I did. Sharon seemed oddly subdued. I guess you think I need to take responsibility for my part in our failed marriage.

No, only for the infidelity that got you killed. Your marital difficulties were a two-way street.

I suppose they were. But thanks for not telling Fergus the truth, about Sydon I mean. It may come to that, but I should be the one to tell him.

I didn’t see how it would help anything. Surprising tears suddenly bloomed in Mary’s eyes. She stopped brushing her hair and glanced at the bathtub. Though it was still full of water since Fergus hadn’t flipped the drain, it looked strangely empty. The water would be cold by now.

Had they really just made love then broken up?

Now you know how I felt.

She shifted her gaze back to Sharon. You’re right, I do. This whole time, I’ve known something was wrong, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

Fergus is all for his pack with nothing left over. Sharon directed her gaze toward the tub as well. He stopped having sex with me completely about six months after he became alpha of the Gordion Pack.

You’re kidding? That must have been terrible.

I thought it was me. All this time, I thought he’d grown bored with me. It was one of the reasons I went outside our marriage.