I heard you in my dreams. Oh, I’m so glad you’re here. Did you see it all? The battle against Sydon, I mean.

Sharon’s expression grew affectionate as she looked at Mary. I did. You were brilliant. Both of you.

We couldn’t have done a damn thing without you, Fergus said. You know that.

Sharon smiled and looked really pleased. I admit I had a hand in things. She screwed up her face. Confronting my flaws was hard as hell, but it was worth it to see that pair get blown to pieces.

Thank you so much, Mary said, for making the effort to come to me that first time in my house. I know I wouldn’t have made a single move toward Savage without your encouragement.

Sharon glanced from one to the other. I’m really happy for you both. Just wanted you to know. She appeared for a moment to be listening to someone else. She made an odd disgusted sound with her voice, and addressed her ghostly mentor. Hold on. I’m getting to it. Don’t be so impatient, Gabriel. Jesus. She gave herself a shake and shifted her gaze back to Fergus.

I have one last message. You might want to keep an eye on your friend, Warren. Seems like some dark witch in Elegance has it in for him, though I don’t know why.

Fergus felt a ripple of dread pass straight through the fae part of his soul. Sharon, what witch? Do you have a name?


She shook her head. I have no idea and now I’m being called away for good. You two kids behave, or not! She blew a misty kiss with her hand and was gone

Fergus could feel her absence in the room like some of the air had just been sucked out of the space.

“That was weird,” Mary said. “But typical. She’s funny, your deceased wife.”

“You know what else is weird? That we’ve both been talking to my ‘deceased wife’. Sometimes the reality of the alter state blows me away.”

Mary relaxed against his shoulder, laid her arm over his chest and hugged him. “But what are we supposed to do about Warren?”

There was a time when Fergus would have been all-wolf and launched into attack mode. He would have contacted Warren right away, offered his help, made up a list of some of the worst dark witches in Elegance Territory, then suggested his wolves track each of their movements. Yup, a whole host of let’s-take-care-of-this-now.

Instead, he took a deep breath and accessed his faeness. Peace descended in the same moment and what came to him was simple. “Warren will let us know when he needs our help. And when he does, we’ll be ready.”

Mary chuckled softly. “You know, I confess I was thinking like a wolf. I was ready to leap from bed, fly straight to his compound and repeat everything Sharon just told us.”

“Couldn’t let you do that,” he said, rubbing her arm.

“Why not? I mean maybe we should.”

“Well, here’s the problem, you’re naked. There’s no way you’re going over to the Caldion Compound without anything on.”

“Oh, you’re so funny. I’m laughing so hard.”

Fergus sighed deeply and smiled up at the ceiling. He was thinking about adding beams like the ones Mary had in her family room. “I have a surprise for you,” he said.

“What’s that?”

“I hired an architect to draw up new plans for us. I want to add on a wing to our private residence.”

Mary lifted up just enough to meet his gaze. “What for? I mean your home is plenty big as it is right now.”

He’d never felt so much love in his entire life as in this moment, staring into her light brown eyes. “For your cats of course and your birds. And if you want, I was thinking we could add a surgery, some exam rooms, an office, hire some staff for you. What do you think?”

“Fergus, really?”

“But only if that’s what you want.”

“It is. It is. I’ve been thinking something similar. I know you wolves heal up fast, but sometimes those dominance fights end with brutal gashes and crushed bones that could use some intermediary work.”

He laughed. “I was thinking of small, domestic pets.”