“The pack at its best.”

“I was so moved and caught up at the same time. I felt the deceased nearby as well.”

“Did you see them, I mean like you did Sharon?”

“No, not at all. I just felt their presence and afterward each passed on. It was sad yet beautiful at the same time.”


She kept her fingers pressed to what was becoming her best braid yet, then shifted enough to meet his gaze. “What?” She could feel his need to say something.

“I’m glad the pack accepted you as it did.”

She drew a long, slow breath. “When we first emerged from our bonding, I was so afraid.”

“I know. I could feel you shaking.”

“But it was amazing, wasn’t it?” Tears rushed to her eyes. “They kept coming up to me, one at a time. I could feel their acceptance and how much I already belonged. I’m still overwhelmed when I think about it. I’d lost my entire family to the alter serum. But I gained six hundred brothers and sisters.”

“You did. Though I was ready to step down and wouldn’t have thought twice about it, if they’d found our union unacceptable. The way they embraced you, however, confirmed that everything you and I had been through was meant not just for us, but for Five Bridges as well. The new fae part of me recognizes that we’ll become a force for meaningful change in the entire territory.”

Mary could feel it was well, that she and Fergus had forged their bond for something much greater than just their private relationship. “And together,” she said, “We’ll help build a better future for all the segregated provinces in the U.S.”

His answering smile was full of affection and his bonding scent suddenly whirled around her. Without giving it a thought, she released the braids. As she slid her arms around his neck, she quickly found herself airborne as he carried her back to bed.

~ ~ ~

After Fergus made love to Mary again, he held her close, loving that she fell asleep in his arms. She was right, he could sense her heartrate within his chest and how the beats slowed as she fell deeper into her dreams.

His own heart was full and changed. He still wished he’d been a better husband to Sharon, but her forgiveness had meant everything to him.

Sydon and Sandrine were gone and couldn’t hurt anyone in Savage ever again. The spells the witch had used to cast over each critical pack member dispelled the moment she died. He couldn’t fathom the level of power she’d possessed that she’d been able to corrupt so many wolves all by herself. He hoped a force would arise at some point to end the influence the dark witch covens had in Five Bridges.

Harley had been devastated to learn of his role in Sydon’s attempted hijacking of Savage. So much so, that Fergus had brought in the good witch, Emma, to help him overcome his guilt.

Emma was now working with a large number of the previously be-spelled wolves, healing their minds from the distortion Sandrine’s spells had caused.

Fergus knew that one day Harley would be restored to his usual confidence and pack rank. For now, he let the powerful beta work through his issues and heal.

Ryan had stepped up to fill Harley’s place. Fergus smiled. He knew Ryan was almost ready to challenge Fergus in a dominance battle, something he would welcome. All alphas enjoyed a solid, legitimate battle. His fae senses also told him this fight would be the first of many and that one day, years from now, possibly even decades, Ryan would break off and form his own pack, something he’d be able to do because of the work Fergus and Mary were just beginning in D.C.

Fergus would hold the reins of the Gordion Pack for a long time to come, especially since he now had a powerful alpha-mate. Mary would help secure his pack bonds and would bring an even greater communal sense to his family of several hundred wolves.

A woman’s voice suddenly entered his mind. Okay, I lied, Fergus. Though it wasn’t exactly a lie. I didn’t think I’d be coming back, but I begged to have one last word with you, and I was allowed.

Fergus shifted his head on his pillow and couldn’t help but chuckle. Sharon floated nearby as though sitting on a chair, her legs crossed at the knees. She wore her favorite black boots, laced up the front and tied with small neat bows.

Still holding a sleeping Mary tight against his side, Fergus smiled. I’m glad you did. But Mary’s asleep. Should I wake her?

Sharon’s quirky smile appeared. Nah.

How did you get permission to come back?

She pretended to fluff her non-existent cropped hair, which only caused her ghostly mist to move and swirl. My supervisor said I did really well, on all fronts, so he said yes.

Mary suddenly stirred and leaned up on her elbow. Her voice entered their telepathy. Sharon? Is that you?

I didn’t mean to wake you.