She wasn’t sure she could even speak, so she stuck with telepathy. I love you, too.

Are you ready?

I am.

The bonding came at the same moment as her release as well as Fergus’s. A sound came out of her throat, a wolf’s cry but shaded with everything she was as a fae woman so that it sounded like a beautiful melody. Pleasure gripped her between her legs and a new rush of ecstasy poured through her.

She was caught up in the blending of her fae to his wolf, and the bond that suddenly settled in place, created a tremendous anchor to the earth and to Fergus. Though it was new it felt as old as time and as solid as the earth.

She felt different, yet the same. Just … more.

~ ~ ~

As Fergus felt the last of his seed leave his body, he slowed his hips down. He didn’t want the moment to end because what he’d experienced had belonged to another world and ecstasy held his body in a tight beautiful grip. A bond existed now that hadn’t been there before, something that could never be broken.

Looking down at Mary, he felt a tremendous connection to her and he knew his pack would never come first again. Mary would be his priority, yet not just her, but what they were meant to accomplish together.

He recalled her saying that essentially he should think outside the box, possibly leave the pack. He would have never considered it before, yet everything had changed.

And it wasn’t just because of the bond. He saw his pack differently and Savage as well.

“What are you thinking about?” Mary’s hand rested on his cheek and he turned just enough to kiss the palm of her hand.

“Nothing much. Just you and me and the future.”

She smiled. “Nothing serious at all.”

He chuckled, then slowly pulled out of her. He reached for a handful of tissues, tucked them between her legs, then stretched out beside her.

When she turned to face him, he drew her close. She angled one of her legs over his thighs.

He was content as he’d never been before. She continued to caress his cheek, his neck, then moved to his shoulders.

“It’s as though I was blind,” he said.

“But now you’re not?”

“No. I’m seeing clearly for the first time in years.”

He drew a deep breath. Even the air in his lungs felt different, cleaner. His fae senses felt fired up and the future appeared to him in full, but nothing like he’d expected. “I think you and I will be leaving Five Bridges.”

At that she rose up on her elbow slightly. “What do you mean? If we leave the province, we’ll be caught, possibly killed.”

He chuckled. “I didn’t mean illegally. And by-the-way, this is my fae speaking. I’m still caught up in what just happened between us, but I’m looking into the future. It appears we’re headed to Washington D.C. for a series of brief visits.”

A sharp intake of breath followed. “To lobby for wolf-rights.”

“Yes,” he said. “We’ve got to have more space. Savage will always be on the verge of war if we don’t get a few hundred square miles of open land.”

“Will anyone listen to you? To us?”

“With the alter wolf population growing as fast as it is in the U.S., they’ll soon have to start listening. Wolves won’t stay bound by barbed wire very much longer. It’s just a matter of time. We were close to a full-on war tonight and not only because of Sydon.”

She nodded. “I feel how edgy all the wolves are. They can’t howl and shift as they need to, or run.”

He held her gaze. “Are you willing to do this with me? I don’t want to make the same mistake as before. We need to be a team, but I won’t step one foot outside this room if we’re not in agreement.”

“Are you giving me veto power?”